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Jerry Coynes nye bog

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Jørgen Farum Jensen

Aug 23, 2015, 3:28:23 PM8/23/15
Faith vs. Fact: Beskrivelse af bogens indhold

We are living today in a genuinely frightening scenario: religion and
science are engaged in a kind of war: a war for understanding, a war
about whether we should have good reasons for what we accept as true.
The sheer fact that over half of Americans don't believe in evolution
(to say nothing of the number of Congressmen who don't believe in
climate change) and the resurgence of religious prejudices and
strictures as factors in politics, education, medicine, and social
policy make the need for this book urgent.

Religion and science compete in many ways to describe reality - they
both make "existence claims" about what is real - but they use different
tools to meet this goal. In his elegant, provocative, and direct
argument, leading evolutionary biologist and bestselling author Jerry
Coyne lays out in clear, patient, dispassionate details why the toolkit
of science, based on reason and empirical study, is reliable, while that
of religion - including faith, dogma and revelation - is unreliable and
leads to incorrect, untestable, or conflicting conclusions. Indeed, by
relying on faith, religion renders itself incapable of finding truth.


Jørgen Farum Jensen
"Science has proof without any certainty.
Creationists have certainty without any proof."
— Ashley Montagu


Aug 23, 2015, 5:58:09 PM8/23/15
On Sun, 23 Aug 2015 21:28:27 +0200, Jørgen Farum Jensen tørrede savlen
fra hagen og stavrede op til sin computer, hvor det lykkedes ham at
copy og paste:

>Faith vs. Fact: Beskrivelse af bogens indhold
>We are living today in a genuinely frightening scenario: religion and
>science are engaged in a kind of war: a war for understanding, a war
>about whether we should have good reasons for what we accept as true.
>The sheer fact that over half of Americans don't believe in evolution
>(to say nothing of the number of Congressmen who don't believe in
>climate change) and the resurgence of religious prejudices and
>strictures as factors in politics, education, medicine, and social
>policy make the need for this book urgent.
>Religion and science compete in many ways to describe reality - they
>both make "existence claims" about what is real - but they use different
>tools to meet this goal. In his elegant, provocative, and direct
>argument, leading evolutionary biologist and bestselling author Jerry
>Coyne lays out in clear, patient, dispassionate details why the toolkit
>of science, based on reason and empirical study, is reliable, while that
>of religion - including faith, dogma and revelation - is unreliable and
>leads to incorrect, untestable, or conflicting conclusions. Indeed, by
>relying on faith, religion renders itself incapable of finding truth.

hahaha :) Another retard writes a book. The fact is that science has
absolutely nothing sensible to say about the reality we live in.

If you disagree, lets hear it - how does science explain reality in a
way that makes any sense whatsoever?

"Science is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to
our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us about red and
blue, bitter and sweet, beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and
eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these
domains, but the answers are often so silly that we are not inclined
to take them seriously."

Erwin Schrodinger, a Nobel prize winning physicis

Have a look at my art - - Nature - Birdy - Sudder street - Poster Boy - Microbes

Jørgen Farum Jensen

Aug 24, 2015, 4:35:42 AM8/24/15
It just does.

Ligegyldigt hvad jeg skriver er du ude af stand til at forstå det,
så derfor lader jeg være.

> "Science is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to
> our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us about red and
> blue, bitter and sweet, beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and
> eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these
> domains, but the answers are often so silly that we are not inclined
> to take them seriously."
> Erwin Schrodinger, a Nobel prize winning physicis

Og den har du også fået galt i halsen.


Aug 24, 2015, 6:10:50 AM8/24/15
On Mon, 24 Aug 2015 10:35:46 +0200, Jørgen Farum Jensen rallede:

>It just does.

hahaha :) Prøv at høre dig selv:

--men, men det gør det altså bare...

Du lyder som en i første klasse.

>Ligegyldigt hvad jeg skriver er du ude af stand til at forstå det,
>så derfor lader jeg være.

Som forventet kan du ikke ikke komme med et eneste eksempel på noget
fornuftigt videnskaben har at sige om virkeligheden. Videnskaben har
nemlig intet fornuftigt at sige om den virkelighed vi lever i, hehe :)

Som jeg har fortalt dig mange gange før, så kan videnskaben ikke
bruges til andet end at fremstille teknologi. Når det kommer til at
forstå den virkeligheden vi lever i er videnskaben helt værdiløs.

Det er derfor jeg ikke engang behøver at læse Jerry Coynes bog for at
forstå, at manden er komplet idiot. Men det kan ikke undre nogen at en
tumpe som dig beundrer anti-intellektuelle tåber som ham.

Fatter du nu hvor snotdum man bliver af at være ateist?

"It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it
would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described
a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure."

-- Albert Einstein

Terje Henriksen

Aug 24, 2015, 9:59:36 PM8/24/15
Jeg ville heller konkludert motsatt: Ved at vitenskaps folk utelukker
tro, blir en del mulige løsninger fraværende i deres tankegang.

Terje Henriksen


Aug 24, 2015, 11:58:40 PM8/24/15
On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 03:59:35 +0200, Terje Henriksen
<> wrote:

>Jeg ville heller konkludert motsatt: Ved at vitenskaps folk utelukker
>tro, blir en del mulige løsninger fraværende i deres tankegang.

Videnskabsfolk udelukker på ingen måde tro. Som ateist tror man på de
mest bøvede, åndsvage ting helt uden beviser.

"When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing --
they believe in anything."   --  GK Chesterton
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