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Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16 Eastern Ascednants

Aug 20, 2010, 8:32:28 AM8/20/10
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, {
astrology}. Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No
part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. {http://}

Much as any child{i} can calculate the year{1} of one's own first
love{2} in minutes{3}, so the initiate{4} can discreate death in half
an hour{5}. As future changing appears more orderly in those{ii} who
have their future scheduled{6}, we decided to offer a couple of hints
as to death patterns, before one gets rid of them.

People who are very fond of their physical bodies probably consider
death to be a physical thing, and perhaps they are partially right.
However, the astral blueprint{iii} that we traditionally call
horoscope, has nothing to do with physical objects, as it is by
definition the map of the astral body{7}.

What does the astrologer predict in his wandering among tombstones is
rather the detachement of the astral body from the physical, than mere
physical death. Both are of course deadly valid considerations in any

Trained astrologers{iv} will of course appear to be more discrete{v},
as pulling out a laptop in midst of a cemetery might embarass
many{vi}. There are of course pocket calculators that compute death
directions, but one does not really need such machinery{vii} in order
to calculate by heart a little horoscope. When the horoscope is
calculated, the directions require minutes or even seconds. It would
be nice to obtain lists of deceased persons along with their natal and
mortal data, but for now, a good cemetery will do.

Of course, talented death astrologers will at least have some
transcendental planet perching at the nord point in their natal chart.
Why do we call them transcendental? The three available tarot
initiations do not imply Uranus and even if an unique magus can
venture further towards Sedna, outer guardians and the stars, racial
initiation has not yet moved beyond the third tarot card. Perhaps{9}
in Egypt{viii} we reached the 22nd initiation, but for now, white as
we are{ix}, we are doomed to three steps only. In assuming that one
proper step may take a lifetime, we are in good steed.

Back to death patterns, then. Death is in itself a pattern, a sort of
Davy Jones locker, where the good have more work to do, as ever.
Perhaps the magus will meet more annoying and ungrateful patients even
beyond the veil of Maya. Hell to the good ones must not differ much
from this lifetime. You get what you deserve, eventually.

Death is very precise{x}, like marriage{10}; in fact there is a bond
between the two{xi}. As marriage is the easiest thing to
calculate{xii}, one would expect the same from death, except that
death has a more flowery language{11}, along with a greater choice of
happy endings.

Of course, the so-called outer planets clashing in direction{12} or
secondary angular{xiii}, offer excellent timing in any death chart.
The death chart is much like the natal chart{13}, only calculated for
the exact time of death{14}. In correcting evangelist Luke{15}, we
produced a rather lengthy death chart report for Our Lord Jesus

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, {
astrology}. Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No
part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or
otherwise, without the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. {http://}


In identifying and dis-identifying with one's own body, the initiate
reiterates one's astral reincarnations. The result of a repetitious
dis-identification from the body is its cleansing. Since what drops
off are karmic blocks, one's own good fortune crystallizes for use in
eternity. Body cleansing is an important module within the original O5
Delivery structure, which can be extended to happy hours as initiated
within a special atmosphere.


A fairly repetitious{1} script can be written for the purposes of body
clearing. Such an elated script is the O5IRIS Initiation. The
corpse{2} can be discreated along with some gothic horror detail. One
is either a reincarnating God afloat on the primordial ocean, or
Egyptian mummy in constant decomposition versus one's astral revival.
Death discretion rituals are of utmost importance to true magick. True
mind works out immortal magick, while default ego is tied to mere
bodily existence. The body constantly cries out in its demanding
annoyance. Many serve their bodies on exclusive basis and call this
process “my life”.


A typical atmosphere for body cleansing{3} includes dolphin sounds and
whale songs within a dark violet ambient. A special atmosphere helps
imagination in the Age of Cetus II{i}, as the initiate perhaps lays
afloat on the original ocean as a dreaming god in experiencing one's
own incarnations as avatar{4}.


Several dedicated publications expand on distinct subjects within a
generally redundant REPETITIO EST MATER STVDIORVM aviary{5} of RTRRT.
Death discreation has been dealt with within dedicated publications
such as O5IRIS Initiation and ditto Death Discreation.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from {}

{1}Gilgalim or circulation of events, even reincarnations.
{2}One identifies with one's own corpse.
{3}Meaning body healing.
{4}An incarnation of an avatar of the Age of Cetus would be expected
to adopt piscine features. Hopefully a dolphin-like whale is implied.
Cetus has namely another more sinister signification.
{5}Aquarium in the Age of Cetus. Ornithological as well as reptilian
terminology will tend to slip within our RTRRT manuals since the
introduction of the Academic Zodiac is part of the RTRRT project:
exorcising the planet.
{i}The present age. Cetus is a zodiacal ascendant below Pisces.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are published under Copyright © 1994 -
2009 by Klaudio Zic,

all rights reserved worldwide. Redistribution of this file in any form
is violation of the Copyright Law.

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from {}

{1}A slightly more arithmetically gifted toddler can even interpolate
the month of one's marriage.
{2}“Marriage” was replaced by first love. All the loves in
one;s life can be calculated in 15 minutes by an amateur.
{3}A reference to 20 Minutes Astrology by the same Author.
{4}By “initiate”, we incude incipient RTRRT operators.
Even if you downloaded the initiation minutes ago, count yourself in.
{5}O5IRIS initiation and Death Discreation by the same Author.
{6}Kahuuna Time Track initiation.
{7}In order to obtain the correct map, one uses only faithful
blueprints of the real sky.
{8}Vedic astrology performs without Uranus and Neptune.
{9}“Perhaps” is for the uninitiated. The initiate is of
course aware of one's own Egyptian phase in some detail.
{10}That is, both are timely to the minute. Sweet adjustments can
help, but we would not dare an advice here.
{11}“Not true” we hear death protest, coaxing us to agree,
but we just wanted to give death a second chance.
{12}An astrological term. There are some 360 directions in actual use,
but we prefer to stick to the basic ones like primary, secondary
angular and tertiary.
{13}Such a chart can be directed forwards and backwards just like any
{14}Initiates may prefer “happy ending”, even if
“new beginning” would sound better. Roughly
“Gilgamesh” in Hebrew would account for |:::::
{15}An astronomical correction was due.
{i}An average five year child will do.
{ii}Astrologers of course know the exact minute of their birth,
marriage and death.
{iii}Basic initiation into holy astronomy is welcome.
{iv}A fully trained astrologer will perform any chart calculation by
heart. Accurate predictions can be made using a reliable program. The
Cartesian field stands for the place, e.g. 6Th = office. Moon in
Auriga means straying out from home, Moon in Orion (WTC) means cellar,
historically a submerged pyramid, while Moon and Mars in Cetus means
an explosion in the underground. If the Sun and Moon are under attack,
there is probably little that a normal person can do. The astrologer
will understand the 360 counter-demons and their stars and proceed
accordingly. By sweetly adjusting hyleg to the Cartesian system, one
will of course first check the main directions for the life givers.
Personal power is everything even when it comes to death, namely, even
death will bow to true mind. Know your face before you were born!
{v}Discretion is one of the most remarkable features of the RTRRT.
{vi}Our name is legion.
{vii}We very much agree with Lord Vader on that.
{viii}Old Egypt. If we cherish any occult tradition, it would included
the Egyptian mysteries.
{ix}An oblique as well as obscure hint, perhaps at the children of
{x}Experience speaking. But there is no imprecision in God's creation
{xi}The one determines the other Both drain energy.
{xii}A 20 Minutes Astrology Initiation should include the Marriage
Rendering Tools.
{xiii}The most reliable direction of all 360 is the secondary angular

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