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Ground Zero Jihad

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Reality Rendering ~ Instant Magick RTRRT

Aug 23, 2010, 6:10:19 AM8/23/10
"Some opponents even claimed that it would be used to recruit Islamic

When would the attack happen? The best estimation would be around 3
AM. Note

that the jihad has already been proclaimed this year. It would seem
that everybody

forgot this simple and definite fact? Islam has proclaimed jihad unto
us some months


What does the U.S.A. Constitution has to say about jihad? Anyone?

WW3 has been predicted to the second for the late November this year.
All the

typical jihad configurations of the planets are in their place. It
would take an extreme

effort to stop the flow of Islam by Islam itself, precisely because
expansion is at its

roots. So where does the money come?

Money and arms are the issue, but also castration, as shown by comet
Chiron. The

impotence of phallic U.S.A., now castrated by the fall of the WTC, to
solve a matter

of national dignity.

Now, what is the meaning of national dignity in a multiracial
environment? This zoo is

bound to have a hard night in Gotham City.

This is not far from being untrue. A great deal of proclamation as
well as proofs is

needed here as to warrant that any Islamic center is disarmed in

Nevertheless, the very idea of helping to build an Islamic terrorist
center in midst of

NYC may be enough for a complete revisiting of any policies as concern


The Islamic proclamations should be enough to help confidence grow in
people, even

inspection s showing no arms were stowed within the area, but
terrorism is not about

armed raid only, it is also cultural and religious , albeit
constitutionally alright.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, {

Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may

be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or otherwise,

for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission
of the Author.

The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.



From Coruscant to Naboo, this horoscope is for you

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.” Lord Vader{1}

Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. {http://}


How does 9-11 look like from the astrological point this year? Rather

speaking in Masonic terms, as the new Moon hits Sextans 2 while
Mercury is about

to enter Sextans. The Sun{2} “in Sextans” hovers above
said Masonic



A new Moon in Sextans means construction as people born with that
positions are

great architects. The very zodiac was born with Moon in Sextans. As an

building will proceed into a debate where someone will want to prove
and proclaim

that one carries no arms.


In examining the sensitive parts of the astrological maps of interest,
we seek for

similarity or divergence. Thus, we deem a brief explanation of the WTC
map is due.

How was the WTC hit? It was Eris that hit the WTC, not 1992 QB1, the

Lamia – Pluto conjunction, Moon in Orion or jihad planet Varuna.
True, Moon in

Orion was the basis for terrorist resonance as it mimicked the very
natal position of a

known terrorist. 1992 QB1 was surely more than just a casual help: it
could even

stand for the second hit. Dark planet Lamia, Pluto and Varuna stand
for jihad. All

these considerations have been rendered through hundreds of
publications ever since

the announcement of the second Æon of Cetus. This, Eris in Cetus is
responsible of

the WTC tragedy. Eris marks ground zero for obvious reasons of zero
altitude within

the WTC map.

To be continued.


Astrological divination is simple. It can be learned in minutes by
just anyone. The less

one “knows” about astrology, the faster the results; which
happen to

render very fast as precise results, indeed. In 20 Minutes Astrology,
we delineated

the simple methods{3} of divination which beat complex systems that
depend on

computers for their wrongdoings. Without any exaggeration, we can
assert that

anyone can learn “the trick” in minutes. Such a person is
able to tell you

all the loves in your life by date and quality in perhaps less than
fifteen minutes{4}. As

the calculations are easy, they happen by memory, so the method is

economical in that it does not require pen, pencil, utterly disastrous
ephemerides, toy

programs or sophisticated but pseudo-astrological
“knowledge”. There

was no one to pass you these simple methods, because you could not
possibly come

across any astrology proper at all for the past several thousands of
years. So, this is

your first and only chance. You are lucky that “professional
pride” will

keep the asinine well-off this business, so the slate is clear for
you: no interference

from any crooked form of pseudo-astrology will ever hinder your


Hundreds of gigabytes of published material cover all facets of RTRRT
and the

Academic Zodiac. The zodiacal research represents a promptly updated

as copiously uploaded on daily basis as it happened. One will find all
the premier and

unique delineations for the centaurs{5}, dwarf planets{i} and objects
of interest{ii}

online; using search tools as Webcrawler, HotBot or Altavista. The new
materials will

be available through Google search.

1. Most of the material was made available through the gigantic

{} archive, but some may be found using e.g.

search. Albeit there are some 6 gigabytes of Eris material on the
site, one may want

to e.g make a research around Aug 1st 2005 as concern the first
results{6} of the

research. These will be mostly found through any USENET archives.
2. Assorted material can be found through facebook pages, books and
posts. Thus,

searching for something like “Facebook Pholus Nessus”
should result in

a relevant page such as dedicated to centaurean astrology. As all the
objects of

interest and the 88 ascendants have their dedicated pages, one is
welcome to

explore the lush world of the Academic Zodiac through facebook
3. All the RTRRT techniques have their own alcoves on facebook as
well. Thus, one

will find the Personal Cosmic Secretary along with suggested, updated
and brand

new publications such as Cargo Worship for the summer 2010.
4. Some of the articles will lead one to which is a
parallel goldmine of

RTRRT and Academic Zodiac materials. Both and facebook are

5. Some other sources of information will be found on Wattpad, Vox,
Scribd and

many other sites. Thus, references to reptilian astrology forums will
be found mostly

6. The USENET minded astrologer will find the latest news either on
facebook or

within USENET groups such as news:alt.astrology.marketplace.
7. By typing {news:alt.astrology.marketplace} , you should be
informed in minutes

as to the latest trends in scientific astrology. The {
astrology} site will of

course provide informative material for both RTRRT and the Academic

system in the form of periodical catalogs, pamphlets and journals.
8. Any VIP Services menu contains an upgrade of the RTRRT, an update
of the

Academic zodiac system as well as the latest news as concern any topic
of interest;

such as e.g. the oil spill.


The RTRRT newsgroup is also the Academic Zodiac site. For those with

access, here are some suggestions as follow.



One can also try typing simply


Some browsers{7} will support the following protocol:


Modern browsers may not be enabled to handle any of the upper
protocols at all.

Others may use e.g. Webcrawler{iii} and see whether they get lucky
with e.g.

“alt.clearing.o5 chakra clearing” or whatever search
methods one



Among over 5000 publications (sic), {} offers

comprehensive guides through the critical years 2000 – 2012{iv}.
Thus, year

2007 was highlighted around Venus in Hydra{8}. The financial backdrops
of the years

2009 – 2011 have been dealt in detail, such as e.g. within the
Orcus Report



As Uranus enters Cetus in the year 2012, special reports have been
dedicated to this

phenomenon as encompassing other phenomena towards the year 2012. The

Encapsulation of Ages encompasses the Æon of Cetus, venusian Age of

and ascendental Era of Eridanus, the true New Age.


1. The zodiac has 22 constellations.
2. There are 16 eastern ascendants for the present epoch.


Nowadays people are bombarded by random disinformation for which they
have no

time{9}, will or energy to sort and tell apart for their own benefit.

“bombarded” being is subject to spam as victim of

overflow. In a world where everybody “informs”, there is

about authority. Our proposal is simple: NASA as zodiacal authority
and Ramakrishna

lineage as concern personal transformation. Both NASA and Vivekananda
have a

strong positive impact on the U.S.A. and the world. Authority serves
as best

reference in the world of solar system dynamics as well as in the
world of the soul.

Truly know yourself in order to design and redesign the events in your
life at best.

Find your place under your true natal Sun in order to create the
events in your life at

will! Your place under your true natal Sun opens for the enjoyment of
your original

natal destiny as your elastic fate offers itself as willing to change
under the positive

spell of personal reality rendering and the Academic Zodiac.


1. Science{10} is magick is astrology. The Academic Zodiac system
consists in 22

zodiacal constellations. In order to start absorbing stellar
knowledge, one downloads

any Academic Zodiac publication. Now when one is fairly acquainted
with the basic

22 zodiacal stations, the precessed ascendant set is intended. The
ascendants are

separately dealt with as the 16 Ascendants.
2. The number 22 associates with the Tarot initiations. The letters
of Mediterranean

alphabets like the Hebrew are naturally in cohorts with the zodiacal

Moreover, the 16 ascendants represent the elemental court cards and
spirits of

geomancy. The Sabian system is linked to the 16 guardian angels. All
this occult

numerology is furthermore linked to the I Ching Aspecatrian.
3. Dedicated publications deal with the Southern Constellations
set{11} as well as

the Northern Constellations in astrology.
4. The Planetary Zodiacs are separately dealt with. Thus, the Lunar

presents itself versus the venusian zodiac. Zodiacal positions are
delineated through

dedicated publications like Moon in Auriga, Mercury in Orion or Venus
in Scutum.
5. The X and P zodiacs pertain to Eris and Pluto. As Eris
materials{12} span

through 6 GB of publications, there is much to learn about this ex X-
planet. The

X-Zodiac and the P-Zodiac are dealt with in great detail, being
historical Academic

6. The present Era of Eridanus, Age of Pegasus and Æon of Cetus
afford for a

fascinating study in precession, the first available after the on Æon
of Osiris.
7. Scientific astrology comes in the form of Abstracts. The
scientifically minded

astrologist can advantageously choose to systematically wade through a
vast body of

treatises in abstract format.
8. The Cartesian house system was originally presented as the Night
& Day house

system, even having 24 experimental houses. Among the early
experiments, we had

a 16 house system. The Cartesian house system finally settled for the
traditional 12

houses. See Venus rising in Hydra in the first house of the natal
chart of the Scarlet

Lady. Observe Serpens Cauda ascending in the U.S.A. nativity.
9. Everyone can divine all the loves in one's life with 20 Minutes
10. The Academic Zodiac system encompasses the delineation of all
planets and

objects of interest. See Services for Astrologers.


1. Science is magick is astrology. Future-scanning precedes future-
2. The best approach to to Reality Rendering is through O5
3. Early RTRRT publications like Reboot, Integer or O5IRIS will
enable personal

omnipotence in creating any events out of the blue.
4. Initiates tend to differ in their characters. Thus, some prefer
the powerful

simplicity of Cascade. Many will appreciate O5 as central omnipotence

Dedicated initiates will settle for the Personal Cosmic Secretary.
5. The Spiral Trees series suggests an upgrade from the Personal

Secretary, where Cargo Worship is the latest publication in the


The free downloadable VIP Services catalog provides information as to
initiation via

e-mail. However, in a spirit of full discretion, the talented
astrologer-magus will

choose self-initiation through a vast body of dedicated publications.
While in the case

of astrology, the object of interest will be suggested by the search
engine on the

website, the appropriate RTRRT initiation requires some sophistication
in an

individual approach.


The Academic Zodiac and RTRRT were documented through a vast body of

publications. The RTRRT materials nevertheless distribute themselves
around a

standard core, meaning that every RTRRT publication is essentially

Nevertheless, due to the vast body of over 4500 dedicated publications

{} , suggestions and tips are due as follows.

1. In our experience it is useful to know one's own futurity{14} but
designing its

manifestation presents itself as an even much more productive
activity. The Real

Time Reality Rendering Tools were designed to help you plan{15} and

any event even within fantastic five minutes{17}.
2. As concern the RTRRT materials, one could start with O5
Initiation{18}. The next

step could be Cascade, often as integrated within the RTRRT
publication itself. The

Personal Cosmic Secretary would present itself as the next self-
initiation. O5 and

Cascade are simple Instant Magick techniques while the Personal

Secretary{19} presents itself as a set of techniques. The upgrade from
the PCS

would be the Spiral Trees. Note that all the RTRRT encourage planning,
diarizing and

ethical experiment. Thus, Aladdin XI presents itself as a special set
of O5 techniques

for the advanced Instant Magician.
3. There are several types of RTRRT publications that were designed
in order to

satisfy the general reader but also a most fastidious explorer of the
occult. Matrix

Hacking figures as bestseller. Reboot and Integer offer perhaps the
most integral

version of the RTRRT. Magic Wand was designed as a compact form of
4. There is a vast body of publications for every conceivable item
as concern the

RTRRT{20} and especially the modern astrology as based on the Academic

The best way to search for these publications is to use the internal
search on

{} . In order to obtain the best results from the
search engines, it is

sometimes useful to apostrophe the inquiry such as “Klaudio Zic

Zodiac”, '88 Ascendants Klaudio Zic' or 'Klaudio Zic RTRRT'.
5. Here is an example. One attempts at retrieving the original
Eris{21} publications.

As there are some 6 Gigabytes of Eris material, one would wish to

browse through the August 2005 materials{22}. That can be done by
reaching the

very first series of Eris publications by clicking the numbers that
appear at the bottom

of the page. However, if one is after a specific publication, one
would type e.g.

“Klaudio Zic 2003 UB313 Synastry” where 2003 UB313 stands

6. The astrological publications originally pertain to one of the
following categories.

The Academic Zodiac is the basis for all interplanetary communication
in an Observer

of Times. The local zodiacs were documented in Planetocentric
Astrology. Among the

88 Ascendants, there are 16 Eastern Ascendants for the present epoch.
7. Special care has been given to the Dwarf Planets in the 7th
House{24} of the

horoscope. The Centaurs in Magick manifest as Centaurs in Love.
8. A vast array of classes of objects has been presented to the
astrology fan.

These are enlisted within the Services for the Astrologers document.
9. Recommended self-initiation literature would include a good RTRRT

such as Integer or Reboot, the basis of the Academic Zodiac and 16
Ascendants in

10. From Eris in Synastry to Pluto in Coma Berenices, one integrates
the basic

assets of modern astrology. Surely, one will be interested in knowing
all about one's

natal Sun-sign before plunging into the vast world of dwarf planets.
Therefore Sun in

Orion will precede Sun in Sextans. The national ascendant of the U.S.A.
{25} will

precede the 9-11 series{26}. The Secret Mansions of the Moon will
include Moon in

Auriga. The Special zodiacal positions of Venus will feature Venus in
Pegasus. The

effects of the Age of Cetus will funnel through Uranus in Cetus.
11. Besides Uranus in Cetus, the year 2012 has been documented
through many an

apocalyptic document as featuring giant comets, jihadic dwarf planets
and WW3.
12. If diligent search fails, one can mail the Author. The mail
address is given below.

Every customer, donor and VIP initiate is entitled to the Author's
mail address.


Thanks to the Academic zodiac, your true natal skies open{27} many
wonders for

you! Your first step towards your true natal skies was probably marked
by finding out

your own true Sun sign. It wasn't an easy find at all! You had to cut

pseudo-sidereal-tropical-starsign-whatever nonsense in order to reach
this page. You

have personal power if your read this! Finally, you are in possession
of an

authoritative ephemeris for your own natal Sun. Now that you know your
true natal

Sun sign, what can you do further? Here are some suggestions in order
to help

yourself to higher attainment as free stellar being{28}.

1. Browse the {} site for publications of
2. Download the free VIP catalog from the site {
3. Select the service that makes for you. Require custom personal
reality rendering.

4. Learn how to create any future at will instead of just subduing

circumstances{30} by default. Our VIP services contain RTRRT{31}
initiation. Render

your own reality in real time: now and forever.
5. Periodical publications such as the Academic Astrology Journal,
Planet Log or

even “summertime series” keep you updated about the low

economic trends or the latest oil spill. Follow the Planet Log
series{32} in order to

find and make use of the opportunities as afforded by the special

positions{33}. The April 2010 Planet Log features a Low Moon in
Sextans and Corvus

that is of great interest to traders{34}. Get the details by
downloading the latest

Planet Log.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1981 - 2010 by Klaudio
Zic, all

rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available



Why suffer a bad transit when you can have a good one instead? Get
down to having

your own way with the RTRRT and let the Academic Zodiac take care of
the rest!


The RTRRT are your portable daily miracle maker. What can you do with


1. Create prosperity.
2. Create favorable circumstances in minutes.
3. Change your horoscope for the best.
4. Find and keep the love of your life.
5. Gain at the casino or receive money by sheer surprise.
6. Dispose of negative occurrences, people or things forever.
7. Wipe out that dangerous astrological transit from your future.
8. Get rid of someone you dislike forever.
9. Have any partner you want.
10. Find yourself a better job even through

11. Cure serious diseases such as cancer.
12. Dispose of general negativity.


With the Real Time Reality Rendering Tools, one can materialize any
events in


1. You are entitled to your own future.
2. You are entitled to the future of your own choice.
3. You are in control of your personal future now.
4. Your personal future can be determined to the second as well as
changed at will.

5. You can intervene into your own personal future in order to
change it at will.
6. One can start divining one's own future with accuracy in less
than twenty minutes.

7. One can materialize an event in less than five minutes.
8. One can determine, divine or materialize anything.
9. You are entitled to your own past.
10. You can change your own past according to your plan.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1981 - 2010 by Klaudio
Zic, all

rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available


{1}Lord Father.
{2}See also Sun in Sextans by the same Author.
{3} Calling such elementary astrology like determining the day of your
marriage in

seconds can not even be called a “method”.
{4}Allow half an hour in a novice facing a rather unyielding
{5}All delineations were promptly produced from the first moment of
the discovery,

while the objects were still unnamed. Luckily, many remain unnamed to
this day, thus

evading any speculation by mountebanks.
{6}First sale. The first publications were vaguely entitled 2003 UB313
and the X

{7}Lynx for sure, then Netscape 0 .9 or 1 series {e.g. Netscape 0.922
or Netscape

1.22}. Others may wish to telnet to port 119.
{8}Gigabytes have been dedicated to the Birth of the Antichrist. Also,
figures like

Palden Dorje emerged!
{9}See also ETER, Emotimenergy-retriever. ”Time” here
stands for

energy or personal power.
{10}IAU, NASA JPL, SIMBAD, Harvard MPC and the LHC.
{11}These are occasionally referred to as the Chambers of the South.
Science allies

with religion, being from the same source. Superstition, on the other
hand affords for

the devil's wages only.
{12}First sale dating as early as Aug 1st 2005.
{13}As it is too easy for everyone to determine the events in anybody
else's life, a

future-changing system was devised.
{14}20 Minutes Astrology.
{15}Treasure Chart.
{16}Materializing a reality is known as Reality Rendering.
{17}Snow Crash.
{18}Also, O5 Master Initiation.
{19}Also Personal Cosmic Avatar.
{20}Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
{21}The major dwarf planet. The site of course contains all the early
delineations for

every single dwarf planet, centaur and comet; also Apohele, outer
guardian and

many other classes of objects of interest in modern astrology.
{22}Meaning reaching said section manually.
{23}Its original as well as present designation. The publications in
question are dated

August 1st 2005.
{24}The house of marriage.
{25}Serpens Cauda.
{26}Moon in Orion, Eris in Cetus.
{27}Your true natal skies did open, disclose on daily basis and will
unwrap infinite

wonders for you, indeed!
{28}RTRRT initiate.
{29}There are some 3000 publications on the site. Use the search form
with such

keywords as “Centaurs Klaudio Zic”, Academic Zodiac or

in any object of interest, such as “2007 JG43”, Moon in
Auriga or Sun

in Orion.
{30}E.g. that bad transit will never happen at all. Chose to replace
it with a happy

event of your own choice!
{31}The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools consist mainly of O5,
Cascade and the

Personal Cosmic Secretary.
{32}Essays and editorials. A periodical Academic Astrology Journal is
issued for your

information. Note that the multimedia publications are conceived
mostly in PDF format

along with some occasional animated gif.
{33}These positions appear quite frequently within the appropriate
planetary zodiacs.
{34}Nonetheless, the Low Moon is also of interest to the jihadic
culture, seaquakes

and WW3.
{35}What can the RTRRT do for you is primarily what you can do with
the help of the

RTRRT system.
JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2010-Aug-05 06:50:18

Asteroids only parameter search:

Matching small-bodies:

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 2000 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.71
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.26
55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.16
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.81
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.81
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.58
90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2005 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 3.97
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.25
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2007 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.00
136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.44
144897 2010 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2010 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2010 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2010 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2010 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2010 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2010 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2010 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
225088 2010 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
229762 2010 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.40
230965 2010 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
416322 2010 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
428012 2010 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
431670 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.77
443791 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
448701 2010 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
457274 2010 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
466418 2010 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
467512 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
477855 2010 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490592 2010 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.40
530787 2010 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
564497 2010 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
564498 2010 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 3.20
612169 2010 2008 ST291 [...unnamed...] 4.40
655685 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40
666450 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
668191 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.40
676085 2010 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00

(61 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-
{ii}See Services for Astrologers.
{iii}Google does not handle USENET very well at all. Thus,

does not feature within Google groups.
{iv}Actually, the guidelines mostly refer to 2007 ~ 2014 ~ 2025, even
2010, when it

comes to the almost imperceptible start of WW3, as published in great
detail with

minute precision and meticulous interpolation of the NASA JPL data.

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