Google Gruppi non supporta più i nuovi post o le nuove iscrizioni Usenet. I contenuti storici continuano a essere visibili.

Google Groups ending support for Usenet

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Kall, Mogens

da leggere,
4 gen 2024, 20:28:014 gen
Google skriver ...

=== citat start ===

Fra og med den 22. februar 2024 understøtter Google Grupper ikke
længere nyt Usenet-indhold. Det vil ikke længere være tilladt at
slå indhold op eller abonnere, og nyt indhold fra andre
Usenet-brugere vises ikke. Visning af og søgning efter historiske
data understøttes stadig på samme måde, som det gør nu.

=== citat slut ===

Dernæst (flere oplysninger):

=== citat start ===

Google Groups ending support for Usenet

If you work with Usenet groups in Google Groups, support for
these groups is ending soon.

What’s changing?

Starting on February 22, 2024, you can no longer use Google Groups
(at to post content to Usenet groups,
subscribe to Usenet groups, or view new Usenet content. You can
continue to view and search for historical Usenet content posted
before February 22, 2024 on Google Groups.

In addition, Google’s Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
server and associated peering will no longer be available,
meaning Google will not support serving new Usenet content or
exchanging content with other NNTP servers.

This change will not impact any non-Usenet content on Google
Groups, including all user and organization-created groups.
Most of the current Google Groups content is not Usenet content
and will not be affected.

What do I need to do?

If you don’t actively engage with Usenet content, you don’t need
to do anything. Current Usenet users will need to do two things
before February 22, 2024 if they want to continue engaging with
Usenet content:

Find a new Usenet client. Several free and paid alternatives
are available, both web-based and application-based. To find
a client, do a web search for "how do I find a usenet text

Find a new public Usenet server. The new client you choose
will likely have a default server or a set of curated options
for you. If not, to find a server, do a web search for
"public NNTP servers."

Because Usenet is a distributed system, you do not need to
migrate data. All of the Usenet content you can access today on
Google Groups should already be synced to the new server you
choose. After you select a new client and server, you can
reselect the groups you’re interested in.

Why is Google Groups support for Usenet ending?

Over the last several years, legitimate activity in text-based
Usenet groups has declined significantly because users have moved
to more modern technologies and formats such as social media and
web-based forums. Much of the content being disseminated via
Usenet today is binary (non-text) file sharing, which Google
Groups does not support, as well as spam.

=== citat slut ===

Hvad gør I andre mht. ...


Visning af og søgning efter historiske
data understøttes stadig på samme måde, som det gør nu.

Visning af og søgning efter nye data ?

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
Test dit kærlighedssprog (Test your love language):
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Coming up news: Iran hit by a Asteroid. Iran is no more (Jer.49,34-) ?
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