Django users meetup in Palo Alto on April 27th

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Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Apr 13, 2006, 6:02:18 PM4/13/06
Howdy folks --

I'm organizing a Django users meetup in Palo Alto (CA) on April 27th.

If you live in the area and want to meet up with other Djangonauts
(over free food!), check out the details at
2006/apr/12/django-meetup-palo-alto/ and let me know to expect you

I'm hoping to get a chance to meet a bunch of people from the
community and talk about Django; I hope you can make it.


Eric Walstad

Apr 13, 2006, 8:26:11 PM4/13/06

Hey Jacob,

I'll be there IF it's on Thursday, April 27 (as mentioned in your mail to the
django-users list). If it's on Wednesday (as mentioned on your web page), I
won't be able to make it. Please clarify this.

You might want to post the announcement to the "BayPiggies" list, too.
Django's frequently mentioned at our Piggies meetings and I suspect there are
a few Django users that monitor their list:



Eric Walstad
740 Clementina Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
415-864-4224 voice & fax

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Apr 14, 2006, 12:09:45 PM4/14/06
On Apr 13, 2006, at 7:26 PM, Eric Walstad wrote:
> I'll be there IF it's on Thursday, April 27 (as mentioned in your
> mail to the
> django-users list). If it's on Wednesday (as mentioned on your web
> page), I
> won't be able to make it. Please clarify this.

Thanks for catching that; I did have the date wrong on the web page!
I've updated the page to correctly have the Thursday, April 27th date.

Thanks again,


Eric Walstad

Apr 28, 2006, 1:21:56 PM4/28/06

Thanks very much for organizing, and paying for, the dinner last
night. It was a pleasure meeting you and the other guys that showed
up. I enjoyed the lively conversations.

At dinner I mentioned the application that we recently rolled out, the
California Instant Rebates application

One of the guys asked about it wanting to know how many source lines
of code. I didn't mention last night that this app was a ground-up
rewrite of version one of the application, which was written (by
others) in Java/J2EE. Here's a sloc comparison summary:

Java version:
23,150 lines of java code
16,090 lines of jsp code
39,240 lines of code total
(no documentation, no unit tests)

Python version:
14,928 lines of python code*
3,677 lines of unit test code
 6,376 lines of django templates
24,981 lines of code total
*(includes plenty of doc strings)

Now it's not really a fair comparison because the Python version has
more features than the Java version did and it was designed by
another team. The Python version is also much easier to debug
because of the unit testing framework, documentation and sane design.
All things considered, this app has been a huge success for me, my
team and our clients. Three cheers for Python and Django!


May 10, 2006, 5:09:32 AM5/10/06
to Django users

could you be a bit more specific about what kind of "J2EE" the
application was originally written in?

Was it using Struts, Spring, EJBs (which version), Hibernate, JSF...?
Or Just plain old JSPs+Servlets?


Eric Walstad

May 10, 2006, 2:04:10 PM5/10/06
On Wednesday 10 May 2006 02:09, wrote:
> Eric,
> could you be a bit more specific about what kind of "J2EE" the
> application was originally written in?
> Was it using Struts, Spring, EJBs (which version), Hibernate, JSF...?
> Or Just plain old JSPs+Servlets?
>   S.

Hi Stéfane,

j2ee 1.3 - No struts, nor spring. EJB's mixed with servlets and jsp.

For the sake of clarity, I should say that the Java version did have some
documentation strings, but they were implemented inconsistently and often
contained cut-n-paste type errors. For example, the documentation for one
class might refer to different class. So, the java sloc numbers include
*some* documentation, often useless, very sparse. Probably less than 10% of
the java classes/methods had doc strings. I'd estimate the python code has
doc strings in over 95% of the classes/methods/functions. I use epydoc to
generate API documentation for the application.


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