Hi, I would like to achieve the function as shown in the picture above. When an user click the radio button Lottery 1, Lottery 1 in the table above will become highlighted by colour yellow. When the form is initially rendered, neither lotteries are highlighted.
I googled this and it seems that this has to be done on the client side and has little to do with Django. But I am not sure how to track the value of the selected choice in html. I know I can get the value of the submitted choice use forms.cleaned_data in views.py.
In my form.py I have
class AnswerForm(forms.Form):
(1, 'Lottery 1'),
(2, 'Lottery 2'),
answer = forms.ChoiceField(choices=ANSWER_CHOICES, widget=forms.RadioSelect)
question = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
In problems.html template I have
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<p>Please make a choice between two lotteries.</p>
<p>Which lottery do you want choose </p>
<title>Two lotteries</title>
<table BORDER=1 WIDTH="40%" HEIGHT="40%" border = "1" bordercolor = "green">
<td> </td>
<th>State 1</th>
<th>State 2</th>
<th>State 3</th>
<tr bgcolor = {{colour1}}>
<td>Lottery 1</td>
<td>{{ problem.0 }}{{ sltlottery }}</td>
<td>{{ problem.1 }} </td>
<td>{{ problem.2 }}</td>
<tr bgcolor ={{colour2}}>
<td>Lottery 2</td>
<td> {{ problem.3 }} </td>
<td> {{ problem.4 }} </td>
<td> {{ problem.5 }} </td>
<form action=" " method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_p }}
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
It looks like i need a logic statement like the following : if selected choice =1, colour 1= "yellow", colour 2= "white" else: colour 2= "yellow", colour 1= "white"
There are two crucial steps I am not sure how to do.
First, after an user select on choice by click the Radio button, how can I track the associated value? For example, when Lottery 1 is selected, I need selected choice =1.
Second, what is the easiest way to set write the logic statement in html? I am even not quite sure where to put the logic statement...