Attn. Dreamhost users

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Feb 3, 2006, 5:09:07 PM2/3/06
to Django users
I recently converted my Wordpress install to a Django based solution
hosted on Dreamhost. This worked all fine and well until Dreamhost
announced the new svn over http support. I was excited to use the new
svn over http so I installed it via the admin console into the same
directory as my Django project. The Dreamhost panel informed me that
in order to add the svn support it would have to change my DNS
configuration. And that this change might take up to two days to take

A few hours afterwards I noticed that my Django site was no longer
returning. The browser would just spin and timeout with some sort of
Apache based 500 error. To trouble shoot I took Django out of the mix
by clearing my .htaccess file and tried to hit a very simple hello.fcgi
file. Same issue. I have since removed the svn from the domain via
the panel, but the problem still persists.

As far as I can tell the only thing that changed, and could have cased
this is the addition of svn, and the change to the DNS/Virtual Host.

This has not affected and subdomains. To see this in action is a development version of my Django
project, and works just fine. is a simple fcgi script
that does not work on the main site but works alright on the dev site

So the point of this message is to warn other Django/Dreamhost users to
avoid using the new svn on your current domain. However it looks like
adding it to a subdomain should be fine.

Feb 7, 2006, 9:01:52 AM2/7/06
to Django users
Dreamhost has now fixed this problem

Our apologies for the delays. We did have SVN problems at the time it
was implemented, but our admin team has found the source and rectified
the situation. All Subversion should now be compatible with PHP and
as CGI domains.

If there is anything more we can help you with, please let us know and
will be more than happy to accommodate.


Mar 6, 2006, 4:39:05 AM3/6/06
to Django users
I'm having the same issue - 500 errors trying to run hello.fcgi...
I didn't install any fancy new svn however. So you're saying the
problem just solved itself? :-\

Hans-Christian Holm

Mar 6, 2006, 8:03:18 AM3/6/06
I've been experiencing the same with Django on Dreamhost. But after some
frustrating 500 errors, my first Django app miraculously started to run
fine. I just waited a few minutes.

I noticed that once, I would get 500 after some compile error in my code. I
don't get 500 for every compilation error, but occasionally, an error seems
to cause 500 and timeouts. But then, it just solves itself after a wait.


Eugene Lazutkin

Mar 6, 2006, 1:30:27 PM3/6/06
Hans-Christian Holm wrote:
> I've been experiencing the same with Django on Dreamhost. But after some
> frustrating 500 errors, my first Django app miraculously started to run
> fine. I just waited a few minutes.
> I noticed that once, I would get 500 after some compile error in my code. I
> don't get 500 for every compilation error, but occasionally, an error seems
> to cause 500 and timeouts. But then, it just solves itself after a wait.

Make sure your code actually works before trying FastCGI. Remember to
kill FastCGI processes after modifications (or wait for them to reload
"naturally" --- takes a while). You can look them up using "ps -ef" and
kill them using "killall python" (or "killall python2.4", if you use
Python 2.4).




Mar 7, 2006, 10:14:20 AM3/7/06
to Django users
I also use Dreamhost( and it works great) but have a problem how to
kill the correct process.
When I try "killall python" or "killall python2.4" I receive "no
process killed".
When I use ps ax to see the process number, I can see a lot of
/usr/bin/python django.fcgi and I do not know what is the right process
to be killed.Any idea?

Thank you for help

Julio Nobrega

Mar 7, 2006, 11:05:41 AM3/7/06
What I use sometimes on Dreamhost is this:

pkill python;pkill

"pkill python" refreshes the process', so I can hit reload on the
browser and see the changed code. While "pkill" make the
"Mysql server has gone away" problems disappear.

Dreamhost hasn't been good to me. I will be switching hosts soon...
can't have such unreliable apps live.

Julio Nobrega -

Eugene Lazutkin

Mar 7, 2006, 2:15:23 PM3/7/06

First make sure that there are any using "ps -ef". If you see "no
proccess killed", do "ps -ef" again and compare with previous list. The
chances are your processes were recycled already (PID is different). If
it happens regularly --- most probably your processes crashed somehow
(bug in the code?).

If you run several web sites from one account, you cannot tell which
process serves a given web site. I kill all of them. Alternatively use
different users for different web sites --- it is more organized.




Mar 8, 2006, 7:44:21 AM3/8/06
to Django users
thank you for your reply.
You say"

If you run several web sites from one account, you cannot tell which
process serves a given web site. I kill all of them"
But how can I kill ALL of them?
One by one something like:
kill processNumber
Thank you for reply

Amit Upadhyay

Mar 8, 2006, 9:13:21 AM3/8/06
On 3/8/06, PythonistL <> wrote:
But how can I kill ALL of them?
One by one something like:
kill processNumber

pkill is your friend.

I use "pkill -9 python2.4" on abovenet for most code changes.

Amit Upadhyay

Gábor Farkas

Mar 8, 2006, 9:34:12 AM3/8/06
Amit Upadhyay wrote:

> On 3/8/06, *PythonistL* < <>> wrote:
> But how can I kill ALL of them?
> One by one something like:
> kill processNumber
> ?
> pkill is your friend.
> I use "pkill -9 python2.4" on abovenet for most code changes.

or use a little shell scripting, like

ps aux | grep python2.4 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

or something like that..

(i have to admit, the pkill solution looks simpler :))


Jeremy Jones

Mar 8, 2006, 11:31:07 AM3/8/06
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 19:43:21 +0530
"Amit Upadhyay" <> wrote:

> On 3/8/06, PythonistL <> wrote:
> >
> > But how can I kill ALL of them?
> > One by one something like:
> > kill processNumber
> > ?
> pkill is your friend.
> I use "pkill -9 python2.4" on abovenet for most code changes.

I've actually had pretty decent success with

killall -USR1 the_process_you_want_to_die

This is supposed to signal the process it needs a restart so that the
next request in will be a process running your new code.

- jmj

Hans-Christian Holm

Mar 8, 2006, 11:35:53 AM3/8/06
But is this a DreamHost problem or a FastCGI problem? Do other hosts have
different FastCGI configurations that make them better suited to Django? If
so, what could DH do to make life easier for Django users? I've voted for
all things Python on DH. Would mod_python help?

I'm a bit reluctant to switching hosts. I haven't had my DH account for that
long, but they have offered great value for money so far, and there seems to
be a few Django apps running happily there already. And switching is so
boring work.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Julio Nobrega" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: Attn. Dreamhost users

James Bennett

Mar 8, 2006, 11:43:52 AM3/8/06
On 3/8/06, Hans-Christian Holm <> wrote:
> But is this a DreamHost problem or a FastCGI problem? Do other hosts have
> different FastCGI configurations that make them better suited to Django? If
> so, what could DH do to make life easier for Django users? I've voted for
> all things Python on DH. Would mod_python help?

lighttpd+FastCGI is the way to go for shared hosting, IMHO, but
Dreamhost doesn't offer lighttpd.

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
-- George Carlin


Mar 8, 2006, 12:26:23 PM3/8/06
to Django users
Doesn't DreamHost allow you to download your own copy of lighttpd and
install that?

Of course, if lighttpd needs root access, the standard plans at
DreamHost won't work - I think I've answered my own question...


Amit Upadhyay

Mar 8, 2006, 2:46:40 PM3/8/06
On 3/8/06, Hans-Christian Holm <> wrote:
I'm a bit reluctant to switching hosts. I haven't had my DH account for that
long, but they have offered great value for money so far, and there seems to
be a few Django apps running happily there already. And switching is so
boring work.

I have faced a few issues but my django application on dreamhost is wroking fine otherwise. Once in a while [1-2 such mails per day, their stats page say I execute about 200-400 thousand queries a day], I would get Mysql dies while executing the query, but the nature of my application is such that a one odd failures can be ignored.

BTW I have not yet put any caching, so I am making upto 5 queries per scond on their mysql server, and don't face any hiccups. The only issue I have faced there is twice in about 2 months of deployment of my application my application will stop to respond, will wait for 2 minutes or so and then give me 500 server internal error, in the process it would create tens of core files. This problem has fixed automatically on both occasions in 5-10 minutes.
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