Flatpages and APPEND_SLASH=True

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Ville Säävuori

Jan 4, 2008, 12:36:30 AM1/4/08
to Django users
I'm not sure if this is a bug in my setup, a bug in Django or not a
bug at all. I have the great APPEND_SLASH=True in my settings for
canonical urls, and I'm using contrib.flatpages. Problem is, after the
changes in r6582, all flatpages with url ending slash (ie, all of my
flatpages) do not redirect without a slash but rather end up as 404.

So, flatpage with slug "/foo/" and request to "/foo" end up as 404. If
I change my flatpages slug to "/foo", requests to both "/foo" and "/
foo/" work, but now the page has two different urls, which obviously
sucks big hairy balls.

Is this a bug in Django or am I missing something?

- VS

Ville Säävuori

Jan 4, 2008, 2:04:31 AM1/4/08
to Django users
This broke my site so I had to fix it. I ended up fixing the Flatpages
app to behave with APPEND_SLASH=True. I added a ticket with a patch
(also to docs): http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6309

- VS
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