On 2014-12-27 10:29, Hanley Hansen wrote:
> I'm using the simple backend:
> SENDFILE_BACKEND = 'sendfile.backends.xsendfile'
Your initial email mentions running Apache. Are you seeing this on
an Apache server, or are you seeing it on the development server?
Also, how are you connecting Django to Apache? With mod_wsgi or some
other method?
You'd want to use the corresponding back-end for whichever deployment
environment you're using. Thus, if you're using Apache+mod_wsgi, you'd
want to use
SENDFILE_BACKEND = 'sendfile.backends.mod_wsgi'
If you have Apache+mod_xsendfile or lighttpd, you'd use the setting
you have (which suggests that you don't have mod_xsendfile enabled).