Complex query reduction

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Daniele Procida

Nov 1, 2013, 1:45:24 PM11/1/13
I have been exploring a rather complex query:

# get all the MPTT descendants of entity
entities = entity.get_descendants()

# get all the Researchers in these Entities
researchers = Researcher.objects.filter(person__member_of__entity__in=entities)

# get all the BibliographicRecords for these Researchers
items = BibliographicRecord.objects.filter(authored__researcher__in=researchers).distinct()

In practice I use some tweaks (such as values_list) to speed this up, and caching, but the fundamental pattern is the same. It's slow, because there are 30 thousand BibliographicRecords.

I'm trying to rearrange the construction of the query in different ways to find a speed improvement. I don't think that either prefetch_related or select_related will help here, but perhaps there are some other tools that would.

Any suggestions?

At <> I've shown the SQL generated, and the models being used.



Javier Guerra Giraldez

Nov 1, 2013, 10:44:10 PM11/1/13
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Daniele Procida <> wrote:
> In practice I use some tweaks (such as values_list) to speed this up, and caching, but the fundamental pattern is the same. It's slow, because there are 30 thousand BibliographicRecords.

the total number of records shouldn't matter. more important is the
number of selected records at some points in the query. i'd guess the
number of chosen entities (those that _are_ descendant of the first
one), and the number of chosen researches (those that _are_ members of
those entities) should be the most significant quantities.

the point is that most DB optimizers are somewhat shy to shuffle
conditions around IN operators. but it might be easier to work on a
small (a few tens of values?) IN condition than on a very long JOIN

> I'm trying to rearrange the construction of the query in different ways to find a speed improvement. I don't think that either prefetch_related or select_related will help here, but perhaps there are some other tools that would.

have you tried eliminating the second IN relationship? something like

entities = entity.get_descendants()

items = BibliographicRecord.objects.filter(authored__researcher__person__member_of__entity__in=entities).distinct()

that should turn most of the query in a long sequence of "INNER JOIN",
giving the optimizer an easier job, avoiding the IN operation on
research records. if the query chooses too many researches, this
could be a big part of the slowness.


Daniele Procida

Nov 2, 2013, 10:50:42 AM11/2/13
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013, Javier Guerra Giraldez <> wrote:

>have you tried eliminating the second IN relationship? something like
>entities = entity.get_descendants()
>items = BibliographicRecord.objects.filter

Indeed I have, but in that form it takes around 1770ms, compared to around 1540ms in the original form. What I actually do is:

# breaking apart the queries allows the use of values_lists
entities = self.entity.get_descendants(
).values_list('id', flat=True)

# and the set() here is about 230ms faster than putting a distinct() on
# the first query
researchers = set(Researcher.objects.filter(
).values_list('person', flat=True))

self.items = BibliographicRecord.objects.listable_objects().filter(

I think that's partly because this way the SELECT doesn't have to grab all the fields of publications_bibliographicrecord.

But, the real killer is the combination of ordering (in the queryset or on the model, it doesn't matter) with the distinct() - as soon as one is removed from the equation, the execution time drops to around 250ms.

That's for 55000 BibliographicRecords created by that last operation (before distinct() is applied; distinct() reduces them to 28000).

That seems excessive to me.

BibliographicRecord has a custom primary key, and its id fields look like "d9ce7e2f-663e-4fc6-8448-b214c6915aed:web-of-science". Could that be implicated in performance?



Nov 3, 2013, 5:37:09 AM11/3/13
You should rewrite the query into a form that doesn't require distinct. In general, when you see a query that has joins and DISTINCT, that should be an alarm bell that something isn't written correctly in the query. Unfortunately Django's ORM generates such queries, and that isn't easy to fix as there are databases that like DISTINCT more than rewriting the query to use subqueries.

In any case, you should check how to write the query without the need of distinct. Something like this should work:

self.items = BibliographicRecord.objects.
self.items = BibliographicRecord.objects.

But maybe you can push the __in to deeper into the authored__researches lookup...

 - Anssi

Robin St.Clair

Nov 3, 2013, 6:48:07 AM11/3/13

You are running into typical production Django problems - works fine in testing, terrible in production.


If you use attributed many-to-manys, create the table outside of Django and use raw SQL.
Create a primary key on the two things being related (usually larger table first).

Multi-column indices
Two choices
  • A single index that includes both (do this outside Django)
  • Two indices, one for each column
The size will be roughly equivalent between the two

Single composite index
smaller than two indexes.
faster to update.
accelerates a more restricted range of queries.
  • An index on (A, B) does nothing for queries just using B
  • But on the queries it does accelerate, it will be faster.

Two indices
  • larger
  • slower to update
  • will help on queries on both columns, but not as much as a single composite index
  • will help accelerate queries on either of the columns
  • can be expressed directly in Django

Helpful Tool
pg_stat_activity shows a wealth of useful information - including

which indexes are actually being used

If an index is not being used (or not being used very often) drop it
if you are surprised that it is not being used, find out why

Basic Performance Rules
1. Do not iterate over QuerySets
2. If you think you have to iterate over a QuerySet, see rule #1
3. If you are absolutely, certainly, 100% positive that the only possible solution to your problem is iterating over a QuerySet, see rule #3

Iteration - A Health Warning
• Ignores Django’s lazy-evaluation mechanism and copies everything into local memory
• Copies data from the database just to process it locally
• Does filtration or summation in the application that is processed more efficiently in the database.
• Databases are good at this sort of stuff let the DB do it

Alternatives to Iteration
• QuerySet.update()
• cursor.execute(“UPDATE reader_hours ...”)
• Stored procedures

Take in the code below

How much many objects are in memory at point A?

qs = Orders.objects.all()
 # There are about 2,500,000 rows in “orders”

for order in qs:
order.age_in_days += 1 # POINT A

Answer  - 2,500,000

Why Is This?
  • Django does lazy evaluation… (everyone tells me so!)
  • The Django code carefully asks for a slice of 100 objects
  • which trickles down through lots of really convoluted Python to psycopg2
  • which dutifully asks for 100 rows from Postgres
  • which sends all 2,500,000 over the wire

Solution - Named Cursors
The protocol between the Postgres client and server only does partial sends when using named cursors
  • psycopg2 fully supports named cursors
  • Django doesn’t use named cursors
  • Therefore, the first time you ask for any object in a QuerySet, you get all of them
  • This is a very good reason not to ask for large result sets

  • if using Django avoid the IN operation at all costs

If there are potentially more than 15 items in the list, rework the IN as a JOIN against whatever the source of the keys is

At some stage you are going to have to get to grips with SQL, might as well be sooner than later


PS some time ago one of my clients was only able to process 4 transactons a second against their very complicated DB. They needed to process 70+ transactions per second. After 3 days of code analysis we had the transaction rate up to 240 per second and so could get rid of the 6 week backlog that had developed. Front end coders didn't consider the DBMS to be important

Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2013 02:37:09 -0800
Subject: Re: Complex query reduction
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Apostolos Bessas

Nov 5, 2013, 2:21:29 AM11/5/13
On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Daniele Procida <> wrote:
> But, the real killer is the combination of ordering (in the queryset or on the model, it doesn't matter) with the distinct() - as soon as one is removed from the equation, the execution time drops to around 250ms.
> That's for 55000 BibliographicRecords created by that last operation (before distinct() is applied; distinct() reduces them to 28000).

Do you happen to use PostgreSQL? This could be a case of a
"non-optimal" configuration, that makes PostgreSQL use the disk to do
the sorting. Take a look at



Nov 8, 2013, 12:55:29 AM11/8/13
On Sunday, November 3, 2013 1:48:07 PM UTC+2, Robin St.Clair wrote:
  • if using Django avoid the IN operation at all costs

If there are potentially more than 15 items in the list, rework the IN as a JOIN against whatever the source of the keys is

I don't necessarily agree with everything else said in the post, but this one is just plain wrong. It is completely OK to use __in=queryset. In fact, it is recommended in cases where the alternate is using join + distinct.

 - Anssi

Robin St.Clair

Nov 8, 2013, 1:44:09 AM11/8/13

The last time I checked the use of IN, all the records from the database in the query were brought back to the workstation, rather than being processed on the backend and only the results returned to the workstation.

Have there been changes that carry out the entire query on the backend? What has changed to cause you to prefer the use of the IN statement?

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Nov 8, 2013, 2:15:09 AM11/8/13
On Friday, November 8, 2013 8:44:09 AM UTC+2, Robin St.Clair wrote:

The last time I checked the use of IN, all the records from the database in the query were brought back to the workstation, rather than being processed on the backend and only the results returned to the workstation.

Have there been changes that carry out the entire query on the backend? What has changed to cause you to prefer the use of the IN statement?

Django has had the ability to execute __in=qs in single query for a somewhat long time (from Django 1.2 maybe?).

It is true that __in lookup against a large list of values is often a bad choice even if you have the values at hand. Unfortunately this doesn't apply to all databases, for example older versions of MySQL do not handle subqueries well.

 - Anssi

François Schiettecatte

Nov 8, 2013, 5:27:54 AM11/8/13
I am pretty sure the IN() performance issue in MySQL was fixed 5.5, and 5.6/5.7 certainly don't have an issue with IN() whether you use a bunch of values or a subquery.


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Javier Guerra Giraldez

Nov 8, 2013, 10:48:38 AM11/8/13
On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 1:44 AM, Robin St.Clair <> wrote:
> The last time I checked the use of IN, all the records from the database in
> the query were brought back to the workstation, rather than being processed
> on the backend and only the results returned to the workstation.

Django ORM's __in operator tries to use SQL facilities, but depending
on the type of object passed, it could read the list of options and
pass it explicitly, or it could merge two SQL commands. always check
the type of SQL commands generated! (debug toolbar is your friend)

i haven't seen it doing a post-retrieve check in python, thought.

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