On Sun, 30 Nov 2014 10:30:29 -0800 Richard Brockie
ric...@ontheday.net> wrote:
> I'm running into the situation where I have several views with the
> same set of decorators:
> @login_required()
> @user_passes_test(some_test_function, login_url='/',
> redirect_field_name=None)
> def some_view(request):
> # some code
> return render(request, 'some_template.html', locals())
> How would I go about combining the two (or more) decorators into a
> single decorator that can be used instead and retain the
> functionality?
Well, if the user has to pass a test, you have to have a user first.
And unless the AnonymousUser passes your permissions tests, the
combination of "@login_required" and "@user_passes_test" is a
redundancy… At least it was in my old project I worked for where we
replaced these duplicates and used only the permissions tests and it
worked great. No user -> no permissions to check for. (Actually it was
no user -> no company & no roles -> no permissions.)
Have fun,