There are still a couple of enhancements to do, but I've decided they're
not worth holding up the entire branch for. I can just as easily do them
on trunk.
Thanks to everybody who reported bugs and tested things. Thanks
especially to Justin Bronn and Ian Kelly for lots of patches and testing
to get the Oracle backend up to scratch on the branch.
Detailed list of changes is in the branch's wiki page ([1]) and if
you're interested in seeing the documentation additions and changes, you
can view [2].
No more bugs should now be reported against the queryset-refactor
version. The branch is closed.
On the other hand, you have different fingers.
Thanks for all your hard work, Malcolm! Beers are owed to you!
Could you give me a url where new features are explained?
Is this backwards compatible or should I svn up with care?
mi blog:
Well, there's the wiki page Malcolm linked up in his original post...
"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."
I merged queryset-refactor into trunk just now. This was changeset r7477.
Not sure where to point this out, but anyone using the full text
search implementation from Mercurytide[1] will get the following
line c = klass(model=self.model, query=self.query.clone())
"__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'query'"
The sample classes they define are subclassing without handling *args
and *kwargs. This is easy to resolve by adding them:
class SearchManager(models.Manager):
def __init__(self, index_column, *args, **kwargs):
super(SearchManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._index_column = index_column
> So qs-rf hit trunk and was merged into nfa on the same day! That's
> excellent news, both for me and for django. Thanks so much for your
> efforts Malcolm (and Brosner for the quick merge)!
I'll second that. I've been running against the nfa branch. I just
updated to pull in the qs-rf changes. I only had to make a couple of
minor code changes to my site in cases where I was ordering by fields from
another model. I like the new syntax much better than having to use the
underlying table names. Congratulations to all involved!!!!!!
Bruceville, TX
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!!