You’ll get a lot of different views on this.
I’ve settled on Digital Ocean running Docker after a few iterations. I’m not saying it’s the best way to do it but here are my reasons:
- It’s fairly cheap
- It was easier to set up than I expected. I’ve shied away from Docker in the past for a relatively small application as it seemed over engineered, but coming back to it I got something running in a few days and it feels very manageable.
- There are a lot of online resources for this so you should find a tutorial quite easily. DO have quite a few which are obviously specifically relevant if you are hosting with them.
- If things get messy after a few attempts you can easily just run up a new droplet and you’re up and running in a nice clean environment.
- You can use a local Docker environment which is identical to that which you will deploy for pre-deploy testing and have high confidence that if it works there it will work when you deploy.
- I managed to automate deployment linked to commits using GitHub actions and again that was relatively straightforward.
A few caveats (based on my experience)
- You have to consider how you manage state between deploys. For example I run some database initialisation scripts which add done standard reference data but I want it to run slightly differently if I’m creating a new environment or deploying to an existing one. It wasn’t difficult but there were more nuances than I had considered.
- you have to decide how you will manage settings files for different types of environment. I have settings for dev, staging and live. There are different approaches.
- You need to decide how you are going to manage secrets. API tokens etc. again I found this more fiddly than I expected. I keep my secrets in my GitHub repo’s secrets vault but you have to be careful how they get passed around without exposing them.
I’m sure others will have different views so you will need to decide based on your situation but I hope this helps.