Meeting Notes

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Rohit Patnaik

Jun 26, 2013, 2:53:02 AM6/26/13
Hello Djangonauts,

Great turnout at the meeting tonight!

For those of you who are interested, here are the notes I took about the presentations at tonight's meeting:

Steven: Automated Unit Testing with tox and travis:
  • Ideal:
    • Test with every supported version of Python
    • Test with every supported database/search
    • Test with every supported dependency
    • Test with every supported combination of the above
  • Without automation:
    • Testing with every supported Python is barely feasible
    • The others (especially combinations) are not feasible at all
  • With automation:
    • Testing with all supported Python, database/search, dependencies is easy
    • Testing combinations is still difficult, but feasible
  • Package Layout
    • Put test code in a test_project
      • Sets up django environment
      • Contains canonical test settings
      • Hides requirements file (prevents people from mistaking test dependencies for runtime dependencies)
    • New requirements file for each version of Python you're testing
    • A good requirements file is reproducible
      • Explicit package versions
      • Git commit IDs when versioning isn't available
  • Tox
    • Tox is a tool for local testing
    • Runs before commit, or before push
    • Specify supported python and environment
    • Specify command to run tests
    • Need to manually compile combinations matrix
      • 2 dimensional matrices feasible
      • Multidimensional matrices are very difficult (combinatorial overload)
  • Travis CI
    • Remote testing service
    • Runs after push
    • Isolated virtualenvs
    • Can test with different versions of Python
    • Github integration
    • Originally for open-source code, but now has paid plans that you can use to build and test your closed source projects
    • Travis can automatically compile your test matrix for you
    • Need switches in django settings to set up multiple databases
    • 2 dimensional matrix is easy
    • Multidimensional matrix is difficult, but feasible
Alec: Better Django Views
  • A good view:
    • Captures the request/response cycle
    • Is reusable
    • Is easy to debug
  • Functional views
    • Captures request/response cycle well - you can see exactly how and where the response is created
    • Not composable or reusable
  • Improved functional view
    • Abstract logic into smaller components and reuse those
  • Class based views
    • Inheritance encourages reuse (in theory)
      • Can use multiple inheritance to do mixins
    • Declarative syntax
    • Can be good, but generic class-based-views are usually bad
      • Hide request response cycle
      • Not as reusable as they seem - in practice, modifying a view leads to a lot of copy/pasted code
      • Hard to debug - response can be generated in one of many places depending on the nature of the request
  • How to improve class based-views
    • Atomic methods
      • Make each method in a class more atomic/standalone
    • Pipeline views
      • Combine the advantages of class based views and functional views
      • Specify pipeline of methods or functions to be applied in turn
      • Response generated by last stage of pipeline
      • Use subscription wrappers or decorators to specify which HTTP verbs you're interested in
      • Inspired by Django Social Auth and Django's own middleware pipeline
  • Advantages and disadvantages of pipeline views
    • Advantages
      • Easy to debug: you have a pipeline with discrete steps and the output from each step of the pipeline forms the input to the next step
      • Explicit - no inheritance magic in deciding which method is applied to the request
      • Encourages modularity - you're encouraged to write atomic functions that can be reused in different pipelines
    • Disadvantages
      • Verbose
      • Subscription based dispatch can be obtuse
Christian: API driven app design
  • API in web context == RESTful endpoints and structured data
  • API driven == dogfooding (your website is just another consumer of your API)
  • APIs are, fundamentally, a means to get data
  • Data is
    • Abstract - don't expose details details about how data is stored or accessed; those may change and you don't want those implementation changes to break the API
    • Stupid - the amount of processing your templates can do is limited, since API consumers will be bypassing normal web templates
    • Consistent - all consumers should get same data; web front-end shouldn't have privileged access to data stores, etc.
    • Structured - data must be presented in a structure that's understandable to multiple parties
  • Compromises
    • Can't lazy load
    • If you put in an API call, you can't easily take it out, especially if you've documented it
    • Handling private data or optional fields can be problematic - how do you signal to clients that this field may or may not have data?
    • Third party client can derive your API by following URLs embedded in the data that you return
    • Easier to document
    • Easier to code against - don't need to explicitly configure endpoints; client can see where it has to send the next request, and when the request endpoint updates, the client "knows" the new location automatically
  • Decisions
    • Impure dogfooding
      • API is used for most things, but not all
      • All writes go through API, however
    • Need to return "real" HTML from all URLs
      • Hard constraint on the type of templating that you can use
    • Don't need to deal with HTML forms, since all writes go through API
  • Templating
    • The need to return real HTML as well as JSON data from URLs makes templating difficult
    • Moustache/Handlebars is too dumb
    • Everything needs to be render-able in both Python and JS
    • Plate.js - Django templates in the browser
    • Limited template context - don't have access to the same things on the client side that you do on the server
    • Tags and filters need to be written twice
  • Unsolved mysteries
    • How do you handle complicated views?
      • Single endpoint that provides a complicated data set
        • Hard to change
        • Hard to repurpose - if I only want some of the data, I still have to request all of the data
      • Multiple endpoints composed together
        • Difficult to intuitively know "all these endpoints go together"
        • Possibly many more round-trips, depending on implementation
If you spot any inaccuracies or missing items in the above notes, be sure to reply with a correction :)

Rohit Patnaik


Jun 26, 2013, 11:31:22 AM6/26/13
Hi Rohit,

Thanks so much for this - very useful for those of us who couldn't make the meeting but wanted to see the minutes.

Interesting comments by Alec on GCBV. I would have really liked to have seen that talk. I have not had that negative experience of GCBVs, and especially with custom mixins, find them much better (and modular) than the old function-based GVs.

Hopefully I can make the next meeting.

Best regards,
- Rob Newman

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Benjamin Turner

Jun 26, 2013, 12:38:31 PM6/26/13

We did record last nights talks so we'll have them available online in the near future. Hope you can make the next meeting!

Rohit, thanks for these notes!

Stephen Burrows

Jun 26, 2013, 4:45:40 PM6/26/13

Alec Koumjian

Jun 26, 2013, 4:53:47 PM6/26/13

Christian Metts

Jun 26, 2013, 8:32:26 PM6/26/13
And mine:

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