Photologue 3.2 released

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Richard Barran

May 12, 2015, 4:09:30 AM5/12/15
Today I am very pleased to announce that django-photologue 3.2 is released and available for immediate download from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

The main change in this release has been to deprecate several features e.g. tagging. This is part of a long-term goal to make Photologue a smaller, leaner project, but one that is very easy to customise.

The full changelog follows:

- Dropped support for Django 1.6.
- Rotation of photos based upon EXIF data if available, so they get displayed correctly (#122).
- Misc doc tweaks.
- Only clear scale cache if image has changed.
- Pagination is now hard-coded to 20 items per page - it's a convenience to have it available as soon as the app is run, but having settings to tweak this value is not needed as it's so easy to override in a Django project.
- PHOTOLOGUE_GALLERY_PAGINATE_BY and PHOTOLOGUE_PHOTO_PAGINATE_BY were previously deprecated and have now been removed.
- Tagging has been removed from Photologue.
- All references to 'title_slug' field have been removed.
- Django can now natively chain custom manager filters - so the dependency on django-model-utils is removed.
- Updated German translation.
- Improved setup file.
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