Oscar for highly customized ecommerce site?

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Sep 26, 2016, 7:36:57 PM9/26/16
to django-oscar
New to django-oscar.  I'm planning to build a ecomm site with complex business requirements.  Most if not all of the oscar models need to be overridden, and I also need to change quite a few table names.  I'm not sure how many views/templates I can just use but I assume I would need to customize at least 50% or more.  In addition I'm going to need to add a lot of models, views, and templates.  I've just looked at one app (basket) and I already see that I'll end up with 2-3x the number of tables.

Has anyone managed to customize django-oscar and made it work with highly complex business logic.  How much easier is it than writing your own website from scratch using django?  Thanks.


Sep 27, 2016, 2:00:04 AM9/27/16
to django-oscar
I would recommend not to go ahead with oscar in case you need to heavy customization. Writing your own web will take less time, and you'll have full control on interconnected calls.

I am using django oscar with few customizations and already feeling the pain. I had to override almost every app/model for my requirement. Same goes with oscarapi once you need APIs for your app.

Don You

Sep 29, 2016, 2:11:13 AM9/29/16
to django-oscar
Thanks for the response.  I was concerned that customizing oscar would end up taking much longer than writing my own website.  I guess I'll stay away from oscar.

Sergey Maranchuk

Sep 30, 2016, 5:15:12 AM9/30/16
to django-oscar
If you never used oscar before it will take much time, and here is no any alternative in python :( (i mean mature engine with many plugins, themes, good customization)
For me, Oscar looks like ecommerce constructor, you can change.
But for example oscar product variation is sucks and not ready for "complex business logic", if you need complex shipping - implement it youself etc. In my biggest oscar project (migration from magento) we customized apps: 'catalogue', 'basket', 'customer','payment',  'address', 'promotions', 'search', 'partner', 'dashboard', 'dashboard.catalogue', 'dashboard.promotions', 'dashboard.orders', 'checkout', 'order', 'shipping', 'offer' + implementing custom payment gateway, custom dashboard, implemented complex product price logic. Sad, but 80% of this functionality was implemented in magento by plugins %)

вторник, 27 сентября 2016 г., 2:36:57 UTC+3 пользователь fatl...@gmail.com написал:

Don You

Sep 30, 2016, 4:20:03 PM9/30/16
to django-oscar
Thanks Sergey. This is very good information.  Would you have completed your project faster if you had written those modules yourself rather than customize oscar to meet your needs?  How much faster in your estimation?

Sergey Maranchuk

Oct 7, 2016, 3:34:50 PM10/7/16
to django-oscar
without basic knowledge about e-commerce processes - i don't think so

пятница, 30 сентября 2016 г., 23:20:03 UTC+3 пользователь Don You написал:

Gilad Langer

Oct 7, 2016, 4:50:43 PM10/7/16
to django-oscar
its funny I Came to ask the exactly same question my self, and this is the first topic I see
I would add to that question what if I am new to django as well. I work with python for 2 years never touched django
i made the tutorial with little understanding, and pip installed oscar which looks good but then again I need something else
so I forked the project and start customizing model, for 8-10 hours I am completely lost know after this I don't know were to touch to finish 
making this models function.
its so complected.
I wish some one can raise the flag and make an in depth tutorial
step by step 
I would even pay for a very good tutorial.
maybe i need to pay someone to make my changes and hand it over, but then again I want to do it myself. its part of the thing.

anybody in depth tutorial for customizing oscar and maybe a second one a deep customization involving fork and work on project model files etc,,,,

Jasper Yang

Oct 8, 2016, 8:16:53 AM10/8/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
I'd like to say to build on a running application always be your first choice to start a new business.
if you have enough money, time and human resource, you can  do it from ground.

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