Introducing PILKit!

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Feb 10, 2013, 4:51:31 PM2/10/13
It's been something of a long-standing idea of mine that we extract some of the Django-independent parts of ImageKit into a separate project so that the larger Python community could benefit from (and contribute to) our work in smoothing out some of the kinks in dealing with PIL, as well as the image processor classes we've written over the past year or so. With 3.0 in alpha, Bryan agreed that now would be as good a time as any, so PILKit was born.

PILKit is on GitHub and PyPI. I started it at version 0.1, but it was directly taken from the code in ImageKit 2.0, so you should feel right at home. I've already pushed version 0.1.1, which is an improvement over our previous handling of PIL MAXBLOCK issues. This part of ImageKit has been super-stable since it was created, so I'll probably be bumping it to a 1.0 very soon.

I've added all of the maintainers of ImageKit to PILKit, and attempted to create an accurate AUTHORS file using the git logs from ImageKit. If you feel like your name should be on there but isn't, just open up a pull request and we'll rectify it ASAP.

As of 3.0a2, PILKit is a dependency of django-imagekit. Its processors (pilkit.processors) are also available by importing from the "imagekit.processors" module.

We've done a pretty good job documenting the processors as we added them, however, that in-source documentation isn't yet included on the docs site. If anybody wants an easy contribution, here's your chance! We'll also have to make sure that PILKit's processor documentation is linked to from ImageKit's.

Happy imaging!

Mohit Kumar

Sep 17, 2014, 6:08:24 AM9/17/14
I am unable to find a list of all processors and what they do. It's not on the Git and Rtd pages. Can you help? 

Matthew Dapena-Tretter

Sep 17, 2014, 7:03:17 AM9/17/14

Hi Mohit! The PILKit processors (including what they do and what arguments they accept) are pretty well documented in the source code:

RTD should be including this API documentation; I'm not sure why it isn't currently, but I'd love a pull request to fix it!


Jan 12, 2019, 3:16:20 PM1/12/19
to Django ImageKit

I have a quick question: is this project still alive? I'm considering to use django-imagekit (with pilkit), and I find it very useful,.. However, if the project is dead (I mean, not only stopped being actively developer, but also maintained), then it's not a good choice for me..

I'm looking forwards positive response, though!

Dňa nedeľa, 10. februára 2013 22:51:31 UTC+1 matthewwithanm napísal(-a):
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