So I'm pretty ashamed. I started the work on Haystack v2 over two years ago (May 1, 2011 to be exact) & there still hasn't been an official release. I'd been holding it up to make all the backward-incompatible changes I wanted to fix in the API, but it's clear that's hurting people trying to use Haystack.
I'd like to change that soon. For my money, there's one last bug that needs fixing & then we should release v2. There's a semi-nasty query construction bug that remains. If you have an advanced (relatively speaking) ``SearchQuerySet`` & you include a null/empty value in the filtering, the query passed to Solr, ES & (likely) Whoosh is broken. I'm working on a failing test case. Once I have it working, I'd like to commit the fix & get ready to release.
If you have anything you absolutely want in for this release or any strong objections, this is your chance to say so. My goal is to release either Monday or Tuesday, so shout at me now if you have reason for pause. Thanks,