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Loading 3th party app urls

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Rene Dohmen

May 28, 2016, 1:53:48 PM5/28/16
to Django FeinCMS

I'm trying to get a working install with FeinCMS: 1.12.1, Django 1.8.13 and Zipfelchappe.
After some fiddling I got the admin partially working. And I like what I see so far; so I'm trying to create a pull request for an updated zipfelchappe.

When I click the "View on site" for an zipfelchappe item in admin: Unable to find ApplicationContent for u'zipfelchappe.urls': Seems an older error as in 2013 it was also mentioned in this group and on SO:; the code to reverse the URL seems fine:

def get_absolute_url(self):
return 'zipfelchappe_project_detail', ROOT_URLS, (self.slug,)

I tested it with:
from feincms.apps import app_reverse
('zipfelchappe_project_detail', 'zipfelchappe.urls', 'my-slug')

If I try to go to the homepage: I get a 404 error raised by feincms.views.Handler. After several hours reading in docs and changelogs I can't find any big changes in app_reverse() or 3th party url loading.

As the original, zipfelchappe, version doesn't run out of the box i'm stuck; no working reference project. Any help in loading one of the zipfelchappe urls (projects, backers, pledges etc.) is very much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Matthias Kestenholz

May 30, 2016, 9:05:36 AM5/30/16
Hi Rene

The reason for a failure while reversing the URL might be that you do not have an application content in your page tree for Zipfelchappe?

Maybe importing Zipfelchappe fails because of incompatibilities with recent versions of Django (and maybe also with recent versions of FeinCMS). IIRC ApplicationContent sometimes swallows import errors which can make apps harder to debug — try importing the Zipfelchappe files in the Python shell and see whether you get any errors.

Maybe you have a way of posting your current project online somewhere?

I hope this helps (a bit)


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