I also have experience with the limitations of the default permission
system. But I don't think it is necessarily a problem. There are two
options to deal with it:
- Django could add small bits of flexibility, e.g. make the group model
swappable. This adds complexity that needs to be accounted for in all
relevant libraries, e.g. django-guardian.
- Django could make it easier to write custom authentication backends.
This gives complete control to application developers, at the cost of no
longer being compatible with many libraries, e.g. django-guardian.
I personally lean to the second options as I believe it allows to have
cleaner application designs. But it think it is hard to get the right
>>> __%s' % user_groups_field.related_query_name()
>>> return Permission.objects.filter(**{user_groups_query: user_obj})
>>> Why the group cannot be changed in the settings like AUTH_USER_MODEL ?
>>> Can Djano support AUTH_GROUP_MODEL in the further release?
>>> So I have to custom backend that extend django.contrib.auth.ModelBackend
>>> and modify group to my team.
>>> But I find the other problem in my further developing. The bad design
>>> limit the other app design.
>>> Many app about django permission , only support group permission based
>>> on django.contrib.auth.models.Group, like django-guardian
>>> It's too bad. Please support AUTH_GROUP_MODEL
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Regards,
>>> damoncheng