Hi All.
OK, so last week I was at DjangoCon US in San Diego. (Thank you if you organised that! Hi! if we met and chatted.)
I gave a talk ("Your web framework needs you!") inspired by the discussion on the DSF list and the proposal to dissolve Django Core. (Can’t see the DSF list? Join the DSF.)
I was asking for more participation in general, and participation that is more representative of the wider Django community in particular.
There was lots of good input from many people, including (but not, at all, limited to) representatives of groups such Pyladies, DjangoGirls, and so on.
The recurring themes seem to me to fit into three categories:
The rest here is a summary of that. Hopefully it’s useful.
For whatever reasons, the exiting Contributing How-To doesn’t lead to contributions from a demographic that matches the wider Django Community.
The point that came up again and again about this was that mentoring is one of the best (perhaps the best?) tool in helping to change this.
Django Core Mentorship
We don’t have an official mentoring programme but we do have the django-core-mentorship list.
This must be about the best-kept secret in the Django world: it’s gets ≈0 traffic, but I told everybody at DjangoCon about it, and that they should use it.
If you are not on django-core-mentorship, and you’re willing to help prospective contributors, please sign-up. I’m hoping we can drive some traffic to it.
Maybe there’s call for something more formal, but at least until DCM is actually being used, that seems (to me) like something we can postpone.
Finding Tickets
The next thing was that there’s not enough guidance on what to work on.
The guidance is to look for Easy Pickings. There are ≈1300 accepted open tickets in TRAC. 13 of these are marked Easy Pickings.
That’s not enough. I think we’re too tight with it (or need another grade).
There are many tickets which aren’t super hard: I put it that, most of our community solve harder problems every day using Django than most tickets require.
Yes, they still require time, love, energy, etc — and maybe some mentoring — but it’s not primary research, in the main.
I talked to people who had (at the conference) got the test suite running and such, but been overawed by the (for want of a better phrase) sheer face of issue tracker.
We would do well to invite people better here. (I don’t have instant solutions.)
I’m not historically a Django-sprinter. (I have too many children for that TBH, but they’re getting older…)
I always thought it was for a hard-core to work on hard issues.
Shows what I know… 🙂
It was strongly impressed upon me that the real benefit of sprints is being able to give new contributors the support they need to make their first (or second or…) contribution.
In particular, groups such as Pyladies can organise a sprint event with the specific goal of helping members of the community get across the barriers to contributing. This can reach numbers that otherwise simply aren’t possible. (So wow. Basically.)
Sprints & Mentoring
Obviously having mentors at sprints is a key component.
But even if you (or I) can’t attend a sprint, maybe we can (sometimes) be available at the right time to contribute remotely. Maybe, in fact, remote mentors are a key resource in more remote parts of the Django-sphere.
It turns out just being on e.g. Twitter can be enough here.
If we’re all on django-core-mentorship, maybe sprint organisers could post notice of an upcoming sprint.
Sprints & Finding Tickets
It turns out it’s equally hard for a sprint organiser to work out what tasks to give sprinters.
At DjangoCon (some) people have a topic and asks others to join them. But, maybe if you’re short of experts and so on, that’s not necessarily a model that allows that scales out in other contexts.
It was put to me that, if we had something like curated project boards (think Trello or GitHub projects) with groups of tickets… perhaps some easier, some harder… Perhaps with a curating mentor, even if remote… — THEN it becomes much easier for a small groups to organise a sprint, whatever their group may look like, wherever they may be.
It struck me that, whilst we can (say) filter tickets by component (and such) we’re were a way from this.
(Again, I don’t have instant solutions — but I suspect there’s an 80:20 available somewhere here…)
And finally…
Beyond all that, we clearly have a problem with the on-ramp. Anything that smooths that is welcome.
I asked in particular that leaders from outside the demographic that is already contributing help in that process. (I just don’t think we’ll get it right otherwise.)
The discussions leading to the points I’ve summarised here are part of that. Just the beginning I hope.
All positive input very welcome. Hopefully there’s nothing actually controversial in all of this.
Kind Regards,
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And I think that's part of the problem. The ticket system is a critical part of onboarding new developers, it's the gateway to interact with all of Django. Familiarity and usability are key.
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Tom, you are right about the UX issues, but full-text and inverted indexing would help with the responsiveness as well. Technically, I was talking about djangoproject's TracSearch. That's closer to good UX as well, because you can get there by progressive enhancement rather than taking stuff away.You are also right that switching to another system such as github issues could be a better fix than customizing Trac. But I find it difficult to believe that Github issues grows up to cover as much workflow management as Trac issues or JIRA. Maybe we need money to get JIRA.
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For what it's worth, I agree. I think we should consider using GitHub issues. I don't think there's anything in Trac, from a user perspective, that we couldn't really do with Issues. The main issue, I think, would be allowing non-committers (organisational members) to triage tickets and change the ticket status.But I don't have the time to plan or champion a change like that through these days, so while I'd like to see it happen, I'm not the person to push for it to happen.
Jamesie: please see "Why not Gitlab?" [0]. While it might be better from a technical standpoint, it would not be better than GH Issues from an onboarding perspective.
On Tuesday, 11 December 2018 23:20:21 UTC+11, Tom Forbes wrote:
> The only reason Github issues would be a consideration is if the group thought the onboarding experience (being where users already are with a tool they're already familiar with) would have more value than sticking with with the status quo which is strictly better from a feature perspective than GH IssuesI really think it's worth considering - I'm not convinced Trac is strictly better from a feature perspective. Things like the dashboards are interesting, sure, but what does it do that Github issues don't? And by this I don't mean features that exist but we don't use, I mean our general ticket workflow that 99% of contributors are exposed to. There are far larger projects than Django currently using Github issues successfully and they have a far more complex workflow including CLA's, high-granularity tags, automatic reviewer selection, automatic closing, etc etc.The cost of a migration would not be cheap, but is it worth doing a formal evaluation and consider it? The "why Github section" (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0581/#why-github) in that PEP lists some good reasons that apply to us as well. The key one for me is lowering the barrier to entry which I think we should be aiming towards. If we are looking to expand the development group and get more people onboard we may need to shake things up, as the status quo is problematic in that area.
On 11 December 2018 at 12:04:32, Josh Smeaton (josh.s...@gmail.com) wrote:
I don't think something like Jira would even be a consideration.The only reason Github issues would be a consideration is if the group thought the onboarding experience (being where users already are with a tool they're already familiar with) would have more value than sticking with with the status quo which is strictly better from a feature perspective than GH Issues. Incrementally improving Trac can improve the value prop for not changing, but I don't think anyone that actually uses Trac would say it's worse from a feature perspective. Even if that value judgement did land on GH issues side, there would still be a large operational undertaking to make that transition.
Again, the PEP for doing this for CPython would be very similar for Django, so please refer to https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0581/ for some examples of why and what operational concerns there can be (migration, permissions, etc).
On Tuesday, 11 December 2018 07:26:58 UTC+11, Ira Abbott wrote:
Apologies for the double post - my last one was not clear. "just that" means that the payment is intended to indicate that it is worth a JIRA license to me to not use JIRA.This group does great things. I am sure that the group can come up with some interesting ways to scale that will ultimately benefit the framework as a whole.
On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 3:21:53 PM UTC-5, Ira Abbott wrote:
FWIW: Please consider my contribution of $84 (one bulk JIRA license for one year) to be just that.
On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 2:14:07 PM UTC-5, Zachary Garwood wrote:
I'd pay money to NOT use Jira.
On Mon, Dec 10, 2018, 11:09 AM Dan Davis <dans...@gmail.com wrote:
Tom, you are right about the UX issues, but full-text and inverted indexing would help with the responsiveness as well. Technically, I was talking about djangoproject's TracSearch. That's closer to good UX as well, because you can get there by progressive enhancement rather than taking stuff away.You are also right that switching to another system such as github issues could be a better fix than customizing Trac. But I find it difficult to believe that Github issues grows up to cover as much workflow management as Trac issues or JIRA. Maybe we need money to get JIRA.
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