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urlify.js blocks out non-English chars - 2nd try?

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David Larlet

Jul 6, 2006, 4:57:10 AM7/6/06
Hi all,

I've recently added an enhancement (ticket #2282) about urlify without
checking for duplicate and there is already a proposal (my mistake)
and a discussion on this mailing-list which were unfortunatly closed

I'd like to know if it's possible to do something about it? What are
previous conclusions and facts since the last discussion? I'm new in
Django and I may help in Python but not in js so I need your help ;).

My current problem is for french accents so it's not really difficult
(I've pasted a js from a french blog app on my ticket) but I'm
conscious there are more problems with other languages. Concerning
utf-8 URLs, I don't know if it's really a good idea because this is
actually associated to phishing...

David Larlet

Malcolm Tredinnick

Jul 6, 2006, 5:05:12 AM7/6/06
On Thu, 2006-07-06 at 10:57 +0200, David Larlet wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've recently added an enhancement (ticket #2282) about urlify without
> checking for duplicate and there is already a proposal (my mistake)
> and a discussion on this mailing-list which were unfortunatly closed
> now:
> I'd like to know if it's possible to do something about it? What are
> previous conclusions and facts since the last discussion? I'm new in
> Django and I may help in Python but not in js so I need your help ;).

There was reasonable consensus in one of the threads about doing
something similar (but a bit smaller) than what Wordpress does. Now it's
a case of "patches gratefully accepted". A lot of people say this is a
big issue for them, so it's something that will be fixed one day, but
nobody has put in a reasonable patch yet. When that happens, we can


Bill de hÓra

Jul 7, 2006, 5:06:56 AM7/7/06
Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

> There was reasonable consensus in one of the threads about doing
> something similar (but a bit smaller) than what Wordpress does. Now it's
> a case of "patches gratefully accepted". A lot of people say this is a
> big issue for them, so it's something that will be fixed one day, but
> nobody has put in a reasonable patch yet. When that happens, we can
> progress.

What's the expected scope of the downcoding? Would it be throwing a few
dicts together in the admin js, or a callback to unicodedata.normalize?


Malcolm Tredinnick

Jul 7, 2006, 5:59:43 AM7/7/06
Hi Bill,

I thought there was some sort of consensus; I didn't claim all the
details had been settled. Personally, I was kind of hoping whoever wrote
the patch might think this sort of thing through and give us a concrete
target to throw ideas at. :-)

My own misguided thoughts (I *really* don't want to have write this
patch): I thought the original design wish was "something that read
sensibly" here, since slugifying is already a lossy process. If I had to
write it today, I would do the "dictionary mapping on the client side"
version. But you're more of an expert here: what does normalization gain
us without having to move to fully internationalised URLs, which still
seem to be a phishing vector: if we allow fully international URLs, then
doing everything properly would make sense. However, is it universally
supported as "not a security risk" in all common browsers yet?


Antonio Cavedoni

Jul 7, 2006, 6:37:51 AM7/7/06
On 7 Jul 2006, at 11:06, Bill de hÓra wrote:
> What's the expected scope of the downcoding? Would it be throwing a
> few
> dicts together in the admin js, or a callback to
> unicodedata.normalize?

I’m not sure unicodedata.normalize is enough. It kind of works, if
you do something like:

def slugify_utf8_slug(slug):
normalized = []
for c in slug.decode('utf-8'):
normalized.append(unicodedata.normalize('NFD', c)[0])
return ''.join(normalized)

Then it works for simple slugs:

>>> slugify_utf8_slug("müller")
>>> slugify_utf8_slug('perché')

But this is because “ü” and “é” can be decomposed as “u”
and “e” plus accent or diacritic. But then you couldn’t have
language-specific decompositions like the “Ä = Ae” mentioned here:


>>> print slugify_utf8_slug("Δ")

So this would be no good.

Perhaps I’m missing something but unicodedata won’t cut it. If
we’re going the asciify-route, we need a lookup table.


Bill de hÓra

Jul 7, 2006, 11:50:18 AM7/7/06
Antonio Cavedoni wrote:

> So this would be no good.
> Perhaps I’m missing something but unicodedata won’t cut it.

This is my point. Cut what exactly? "No good" for what exactly? We
could file patches to see what sticks, but it might be better to figure
what's wanted first, instead of playing fetch me a rock.

A slug function can range from a regex replace to a complete text
normalization/decomposition/lookup service that will never be enough
because even unicode+mappings aren't a complete solution.

If it's the full unicode+mappings case, I'm doubtful that processing
should be done on the client, not only because the unicode database is
large, but also because the server will have a well tested setup via

If there's a need to keep the slug current behaviour, fill out as you
write as opposed to fill out on the server, that suggests an ajax
callback to the server to get at unicodedata.

If a latin1 hack is enough, that can be sent down to the client in the
admin js. RT editors like fck do this all the time with entity
replacements. No need to use Python if we're dealing with a small subset.

Mappings: yes, ord/text mappings are grand (Greek, Russian, Turkish of
the top of my head would be good inbuilts, as would latin if a unicode
db isn't used).

If there's a need for mapping extension, there needs to be a place for
people to put dictionaries.

If the code falls into an else because it has no lookup, does it insert
a stringified hexcode or blank the character out.



Bill de hÓra

Jul 7, 2006, 1:20:11 PM7/7/06

Normalisation/decomposition gains you greater assuredness you'll throw
away what you think you're throwing away, before you try a mapping.
Unicode provides mappings down to ascii but it's not complete; mapping
decisions tend to be localized/controversial.

The phishing problem with Internationalised URLs (IRIs) is in the
internationalized domain name (IDN) where you can get redirected, and
not so much the path segment where the slug lives. I work on atom
protocol and IRIs are official IETF/W3C goodness these days (funny, we
just went through slugging on the protocol list yesterday). IRIs are
designed to to be treated as encoded Unicode (utf8 most likely) so they
pass through systems without losing information. Slugging as I tend to
understand it is really about dropping down to ascii and throwing
character information away. I'm thinking that for slugs people want to
have a character replaced with an ascii equivalent and not /preserve/
character data via encoding.

It really does depend on what people want from this feature. A full full
full downcoding solution needs to go back to the server I think, do the
whole unicode bit, and use whatever custom mappings onto ascii. Whereas
a good enough approach would be set of js dicts sent to the client; that
keeps the nice js autofill feature in the admin, and will probably
cover 95% of use cases.


Bill de hÓra

Jul 11, 2006, 9:54:03 PM7/11/06
Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

> Personally, I was kind of hoping whoever wrote
> the patch might think this sort of thing through and give us a concrete
> target to throw ideas at. :-)

Hi Malcolm,

Here we go:


} ;

var ALL_DOWNCODE_MAPS=new Array()

var Downcoder = new Object() ;

Downcoder.Initialize = function()
if ( // already made
return ; ={}
Downcoder.chars = '' ;
for(var i in ALL_DOWNCODE_MAPS)
var lookup = ALL_DOWNCODE_MAPS[i]
for (var c in lookup)
{[c] = lookup[c] ;
Downcoder.chars += c ;
Downcoder.regex = new RegExp('[' + Downcoder.chars + ']|[^' +
Downcoder.chars + ']+','g') ;

downcode= function( slug )
Downcoder.Initialize() ;
var downcoded =""
var pieces = str.match(Downcoder.regex);
for (var i = 0 ; i < pieces.length ; i++)
if (pieces[i].length == 1)
var mapped =[pieces[i]] ;
if (mapped != null)
continue ;
downcoded = slug;
return downcoded;

function URLify(s, num_chars) {
s = downcode(s);
removelist = ["a", "an", "as", "at", "before", "but", "by", "for",
"is", "in", "into", "like", "of", "off", "on",
"onto", "per",
"since", "than", "the", "this", "that", "to", "up",
r = new RegExp('\\b(' + removelist.join('|') + ')\\b', 'gi');
s = s.replace(r, '');
// if downcode fails, the char will be stripped here
s = s.replace(/[^-A-Z0-9\s]/gi, '');
s = s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // trim leading/trailing spaces
s = s.replace(/[-\s]+/g, '-'); // convert spaces to hyphens
s = s.toLowerCase(); // convert to lowercase
return s.substring(0, num_chars);// trim to first num_chars chars
return s.substring(0, num_chars);// trim to first num_chars chars

I need to test this properly and fill in the mappings, but the gist of
the approach should be clear. When that's done, unless someone has an
objection, I'll file a patch against
(also 2282)


Malcolm Tredinnick

Jul 11, 2006, 10:09:15 PM7/11/06
to Bill de hÓra,
On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 02:54 +0100, Bill de hÓra wrote:
> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > Personally, I was kind of hoping whoever wrote
> > the patch might think this sort of thing through and give us a concrete
> > target to throw ideas at. :-)
> Hi Malcolm,
> Here we go:

aah ... batter up! :-)

Probably only one of the last two lines is necessary. :-)

I am the about the worst guy in the world to review Javascript code, but
I agree it seems to behave logically. I'm just not familiar enough with
the ins and outs enough to spot any sneaky problems that might creep
into code like this. Fortunately, the audience is full of people with
real clues.

> I need to test this properly and fill in the mappings, but the gist of
> the approach should be clear. When that's done, unless someone has an
> objection, I'll file a patch against
> (also 2282)
> .

In the interests of economy I just closed #1602 as a dupe of #2282 (the
latter has more links to mailing list threads). It's too hard to track
all the dupes and semi-related bugs.

Anyway, thanks for doing the work, Bill. This looks like something that
is a great start and that we can tweak as people find problems in their
own locales.


Andrey Golovizin

Jul 12, 2006, 1:31:51 AM7/12/06
Bill de hÓra wrote:
> I need to test this properly and fill in the mappings

The official Cyrillic-Latin mapping could be found here:

It could be like this:
"а": "a", "к": "k", "х": "kh,
"б": "b", "л": "l", "ц": "ts",
"в": "v", "м": "m", "ч": "ch",
"г": "g", "н": "n", "ш": "sh",
"д": "d", "о": "o", "щ": "shch",
"е": "e", "п": "p", "ъ": "''",
"ё": "jo", "р": "r", "ы": "y",
"ж": "zh", "с": "s", "ь": "'",
"з": "z", "т": "t", "э": "eh",
"и": "i", "у": "u", "ю": "ju",
"й": "j", "ф": "f", "я": "ja"


James Bennett

Jul 12, 2006, 2:58:38 AM7/12/06
On 7/11/06, Bill de hÓra <> wrote:
> I need to test this properly and fill in the mappings, but the gist of
> the approach should be clear. When that's done, unless someone has an
> objection, I'll file a patch against

The structure and logic look good; my only worry is that this will
eventually get pretty unwieldy; just looking over the languages we
already support through the i18n system, we'd be carrying around a
pretty huge mapping from the get-go, and it would only grow over time.
And God help us if we seriously decide to support slugifying CJK ;)

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
-- George Carlin

Bill de hÓra

Jul 12, 2006, 7:02:18 AM7/12/06
Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
>> return s.substring(0, num_chars);// trim to first num_chars chars
>> return s.substring(0, num_chars);// trim to first num_chars chars
>> }
>> ]]]
> Probably only one of the last two lines is necessary. :-)


> I am the about the worst guy in the world to review Javascript code, but
> I agree it seems to behave logically. I'm just not familiar enough with
> the ins and outs enough to spot any sneaky problems that might creep
> into code like this. Fortunately, the audience is full of people with
> real clues.

Fair enough; it's out there so people can push back on the approach,
before I crack on.

> Anyway, thanks for doing the work, Bill. This looks like something that
> is a great start and that we can tweak as people find problems in their
> own locales.

Ok, I'll start testing this and filling in some mappings. I'll send in a
patch as soon as I can.


Bill de hÓra

Jul 12, 2006, 7:08:58 AM7/12/06
James Bennett wrote:
> On 7/11/06, Bill de hÓra <> wrote:
>> I need to test this properly and fill in the mappings, but the gist of
>> the approach should be clear. When that's done, unless someone has an
>> objection, I'll file a patch against
> The structure and logic look good; my only worry is that this will
> eventually get pretty unwieldy; just looking over the languages we
> already support through the i18n system, we'd be carrying around a
> pretty huge mapping from the get-go, and it would only grow over time.
> And God help us if we seriously decide to support slugifying CJK ;)

Thanks James. I think if it got to that stage, it's in the class of good
problems to have (Django having achieved world domination). I guess we'd
need to look at going back to python to run against unicodedata and/or
server sided mappings as Antonio pointed out. I think using a Downcoder
object gives room to callback to the server to the do the work if needed
(the logic would be refactored into python). I'm not sure how people
would fold in their locale/custom mappings at that stage, but it might
be a nice to have feature.


Bill de hÓra

Jul 12, 2006, 7:10:02 AM7/12/06
Andrey Golovizin wrote:
> Bill de hÓra wrote:
>> I need to test this properly and fill in the mappings
> The official Cyrillic-Latin mapping could be found here:

Great resource Andrey, thanks. I'll fold that mapping in.


David Larlet

Jul 12, 2006, 7:31:57 AM7/12/06
2006/7/12, Bill de hÓra <>:

> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > Personally, I was kind of hoping whoever wrote
> > the patch might think this sort of thing through and give us a concrete
> > target to throw ideas at. :-)
> Hi Malcolm,
> Here we go:
> [snip]

> I need to test this properly and fill in the mappings, but the gist of
> the approach should be clear. When that's done, unless someone has an
> objection, I'll file a patch against
> (also 2282)
> .


Thanks for your job, seems good to me but what about the size of the
final urlify.js? I'm afraid that it will increase a lot and maybe the
current one is good for most of the cases, is it possible to easily
switch between the two for english writers?

Another question is about customisation of removelist. What's your
opinion about that?


Petar Marić

Jul 12, 2006, 8:53:30 AM7/12/06
Here're Serbian mappings (default Serbian language in Django is Serbian Latin):

"š": "s", "đ": "dj", "ž": "z",
"č": "c", "ć": "c"

"а": "a", "б": "b", "в": "v",
"г": "g", "д": "d", "ђ": "dj",
"е": "e", "ж": "z", "з": "z",
"и": "i", "ј": "j", "к": "k",
"л": "l", "љ": "lj", "м": "m",
"н": "n", "њ": "nj", "о": "o",
"п": "p", "р": "r", "с": "s",
"т": "t", "ћ": "c", "у": "u",
"ф": "f", "х": "h", "ц": "c",
"ч": "c", "џ": "dz", "ш": "s"

Oh, and a big +1 on the proposed fix of slugify :)
Petar Marić
*mobile: +381 (64) 6122467

*icq: 224720322
*skype: petar_maric


Jul 12, 2006, 1:04:58 PM7/12/06
to Django developers

If we japanese make character mappings, it will be millions and can't
cover all of them.
Mapping plan doesn't seem realistic for Chinese too.

So I agree with Antonio and Bill.
But people who use latin charcter prefer mappings to encoding, I think.

How about plugable python logic with each client language or setting's
I hope applications made with django can run any locale.

makoto tsuyuki

Julian 'Julik' Tarkhanov

Jul 12, 2006, 10:27:34 AM7/12/06

On 7-jul-2006, at 17:50, Bill de hÓra wrote:

> This is my point. Cut what exactly? "No good" for what exactly? We
> could file patches to see what sticks, but it might be better to
> figure
> what's wanted first, instead of playing fetch me a rock.

This is handled by Unicode standard and is called transliteration.
The problem is that it's locale dependent.
AFAIK Python's codecs don't implement it (but ICU4R does). If you go
for tables it's going to be _many_.

URLs can be Unicode-aware, just encoded - so why not replacing
whitespace with dashes and doing a Unicode downcase,
and be done with it? Some browsers (Safari) even show you the request
string verbatim, so it's very readable.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven

Jul 15, 2006, 3:58:49 AM7/15/06
On 7/12/06, Julian 'Julik' Tarkhanov <> wrote:
> This is handled by Unicode standard and is called transliteration.

And also not quite true. Arabic, for example, but also Hindi, have no
real standardized transliteration schemes.
Also, for Japanese, are you going to follow kunrei-shiki or rather the
more widely used hepburn transliteration? Or perhaps even nippon-shiki
if you feel like sticking to strictness.
Chinese, want to settle for hanyu pinyin or rather wade-giles?

Be careful because you are treading on very unstable ground now.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven


Jul 16, 2006, 3:01:45 PM7/16/06
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:
> On 7/12/06, Julian 'Julik' Tarkhanov <> wrote:
>> This is handled by Unicode standard and is called transliteration.
> Also, for Japanese, are you going to follow kunrei-shiki or rather the
> more widely used hepburn transliteration? Or perhaps even nippon-shiki
> if you feel like sticking to strictness.

i think we do not need to discuss japanese at all. after all, there's no
transliteration for kanji. so it's imho pointless to argue about
kana-transliteration, when you cannot transliterate kanji.


tsuyuki makoto

Jul 17, 2006, 2:25:01 AM7/17/06
2006/7/17, gabor <>:

We Japanese know that we can't transarate Japanese to ASCII.
So I want to do it as follows at least.
A letter does not disappear and is restored.
#FileField and ImageField have same letters disappear problem.

def slug_ja(word) :
try :
unicode(word, 'ASCII')
import re
slug = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', word).strip().lower()
slug = re.sub('[-\s]+', '-', slug)
return slug
except UnicodeDecodeError :
from encodings import idna
painful_slug = word.strip().lower().decode('utf-8').encode('IDNA')
return painful_slug

Antonio Cavedoni

Jul 19, 2006, 5:16:11 AM7/19/06
On 17 Jul 2006, at 8:25, tsuyuki makoto wrote:
> We Japanese know that we can't transarate Japanese to ASCII.
> So I want to do it as follows at least.
> A letter does not disappear and is restored.
> #FileField and ImageField have same letters disappear problem.
> def slug_ja(word) :
> try :
> unicode(word, 'ASCII')
> import re
> slug = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', word).strip().lower()
> slug = re.sub('[-\s]+', '-', slug)
> return slug
> except UnicodeDecodeError :
> from encodings import idna
> painful_slug = word.strip().lower().decode('utf-8').encode
> ('IDNA')
> return painful_slug

I’m not convinced by this approach, but I would suggest using the
“punycode” instead of the “idna” encoder anyway. The results don’t
include the initial “xn--” marks which are only useful in a domain
name, not in a URI path. Also, the “from encodings […]” line appears
to be unnecessary on my Python 2.3.5 and 2.4.1 on OSX.

>>> p = u"perché"
>>> from encodings import idna
>>> p.encode('idna')
>>> p.encode('punycode')
>>> puny = 'perch-fsa'
>>> puny.decode('punycode')
>>> print puny.decode('punycode')
>>> pu = puny.decode('punycode') # it's reversible
>>> print pu

More on Punycode:


Gábor Farkas

Jul 19, 2006, 5:29:51 AM7/19/06

i somehow have the feeling that we lost the original idea here a little.

(as far as i understand, by urlify.js we are talking about slug
auto-generation, please correct me if i'm wrong).

we are auto-generating slugs when it "makes sense". for example, for
english it makes sense to remove all the non-word stuff, because what
remains can still be read, be understood, and generally looks fine when
being a part of the URL.

also, for many languages (hungarian or slavic ones), it also "makes
sense" to simply drop all the diacritical marks, because the rest can
still be read, be understood, and looks fine as part of an URL.

but with punycode or whatever-code encoding japanese, what's the point?
what you get will be completely unreadable.. if you only need to
preserve the submitted data, you don't need to do anything. simply take
your unicode text, encode it to utf8, url-escape it and use it as a part
of the url. it will be ok. and on the other side you can url-unescape
and utf8-decode it and you're back. you will even be able to have ascii
stuff readably-preserved.

form my point of view, with the current slug-approach, you either can
convert your text into ascii that "makes sense" or not. if the former,
then enhancing urlify.js makes sense. if the latter, then it makes no
sense. imho.


Bill de hÓra

Jul 19, 2006, 6:18:20 AM7/19/06
Gábor Farkas wrote:

> i somehow have the feeling that we lost the original idea here a little.
> (as far as i understand, by urlify.js we are talking about slug
> auto-generation, please correct me if i'm wrong).
> we are auto-generating slugs when it "makes sense". for example, for
> english it makes sense to remove all the non-word stuff, because what
> remains can still be read, be understood, and generally looks fine when
> being a part of the URL.
> also, for many languages (hungarian or slavic ones), it also "makes
> sense" to simply drop all the diacritical marks, because the rest can
> still be read, be understood, and looks fine as part of an URL.
> but with punycode or whatever-code encoding japanese, what's the point?
> what you get will be completely unreadable.. if you only need to
> preserve the submitted data, you don't need to do anything. simply take
> your unicode text, encode it to utf8, url-escape it and use it as a part
> of the url. it will be ok. and on the other side you can url-unescape
> and utf8-decode it and you're back. you will even be able to have ascii
> stuff readably-preserved.

I agree; this has gone *way* past the original idea.

Transcription of characters onto ascii, (aka "slugging") is not the same
problem as passing around encoded unicode IRI segments between clients
and servers. There's a standards track IETF document for the latter
purpose - RFC3987. If you want to do this, do it to spec.

I think the js mapping approach is good enough for the admin interface.
Once I can get the greek table to be picked up (argh), a patch will land...



Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven

Jul 20, 2006, 5:56:29 AM7/20/06
On 7/16/06, gabor <> wrote:
> i think we do not need to discuss japanese at all. after all, there's no
> transliteration for kanji. so it's imho pointless to argue about
> kana-transliteration, when you cannot transliterate kanji.

If you mean that you cannot easily deduce whether the kanji for moon 月
should be transliterated according to the reading 'tsuki' or 'getsu',
then yes, you are correct. But you *can* transliterate them according
to their on or kun reading.


Gábor Farkas

Jul 20, 2006, 8:59:34 AM7/20/06

yes, you are correct on that.
but on the other hand, what's the meaning in doing a plain on/kun
reading-based transliteration? :-)

and also, some kanjis have a lot of on/kun readings... which one will
you use?

at least for me it seems that a transliteration scheme should at least
keep the words readable. now take a japanese word with 2 kanjis. how
would you propose to transliterate it to still keep the meaning?


tsuyuki makoto

Jul 20, 2006, 11:22:07 AM7/20/06
2006/7/20, Gábor Farkas <>:

We can not apply ON or KUN for kanaji by right way automatically.
It has no exact rule.

And I don't think slug is just for human. It's for computers too.
Search-engines or some technologies may understand IDNA/Punycode(thanx
#Google can understand IDNA already.
Japanese kanji should be translated into Punycode.

If slug must keep the meaning for human, you don't need care about Japanese.
It's impossible for Japanese.

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