I realize it's simple to create a skeleton file yourself, but if
manage.py did it, it's one less thing to think about and do, and also
promotes good url bundling.
-1. While Django is a web framework it would seem logical for a urls.py
to be created with startapp. However, I am sure the original design
decision was that it would tie this to much to a HttpRequest object
being present which isn't always the case.
IMHO, I think that having a urls.py created automatically is beneifical
and it shouldn't stop there. A forms.py is very useful and once
newforms-admin is merged in an admin.py. I feel that if something like
this should happen it will happen in other skeletons. Perhaps startapp
should take an argument like http that would create a skeleton based on
things needed in that environment.
Brian Rosner
If you want, check out the django-command-extensions project on Google
Code (http://code.google.com/p/django-command-extensions/). I added a
create_app command extension that allows you to use a --template
option for specifying your app directory structure. If no template is
provided a default is created for you which includes a forms.py and a
It's been on my todo list for a while now, so your discussion item
prompted me to get it done. That said it has not been tested much.
Michael Trier