Checking logs of a Jenkins CI job

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Sanskar Jaiswal

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6 qer 2021, 7:57:21 e paradites6.6.21
Hello everyone

 I'm working on this PR which didn't pass the CI checks (which is weird as all tests pass on my machine) and I could not check the logs instantly due to some issues with my laptop. Jenkins gives a 404 when I try to check the logs now, which leads me to believe that they've been removed. Is there anyway to check the logs now or should I make a dummy commit to trigger the jobs again? Thank you for your help :)

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Adam Johnson

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6 qer 2021, 9:48:01 e paradites6.6.21
The logs last a limited amount of time, I think it’s maybe 7 days. You’ll need to push again to trigger a new run after that.

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