{% load forms %}
{{ formset|as_ul }} Render the entire formset as a ul
{{ form|as_ul }} Render the entire form as a ul
{{ field|as_li }} Render the given field and label as an li
{{ formset.non_form_errors|as_ul }} Render non_form_errors as a ul
{{ formset.errors|as_ul }} Render errors as a ul
{{ form.errors|as_ul }} Render errors as a ul
{{ field.errors|as_ul }} Render field errors as as ul
The same idea would apply to widgets, and would let the html pedants
*cough* ubernostrum *cough* ;-) have their non-xhtml ways without
adding 2 methods to every single widget.
{{ field.widget|as_html }} Render the widget as html 4
{{ field.widget|as_xhtml }} Render the widget as xhtml
To accomplish this, each widget would get a new attrs() method that
would return a dict that basically consisted of html attributes. (In
practice it will be slightly more complicated than this, especially
for select widgets, but you get the idea). The as_html and as_xhtml
filters will be able to turn the dict into html code.
So how does this work from a backwards compatibility standpoint? For
now, things can be completely backwards compatible. I would like the
as_X methods to be deprecated, but the __unicode__ method would stick
around for those poor souls who are working in our template language.
Of course, they could import the filters and apply them manually (as
tests might often do), but they won't have to. They just don't get to
customize output.
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 3:15 AM, Joseph Kocherhans
<jkoch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been pretty unhappy about the way html has been generated from
> newforms for awhile now. I think we've come up with a good design that
> makes form rendering a lot easier, and a lot more modular. The basic
> idea is to render forms, formsets, errors, etc. with filters. Here are
This is a good idea. I do something similiar in my app also.
Rajeev J Sebastian
(I'm an HTML pedant too :-) )
[this is good].
Love it. For the record, I talked about this with Joseph here in
person -- it's a good improvement.
Adrian Holovaty
holovaty.com | djangoproject.com | everyblock.com
I seem to remember a similar suggestion being raised in the early days
of newforms, but it got lost in the noise of the initial design
Put me down as a +1.
Russ %-)
That's beautiful. I especially like the idea of the doctype "setting"
telling what the tags to do.
I've always thought the idea of a post-processing filter to strip the
slashes wasn't the best approach but the only other way I found was to
make a set of HTML4 widgets, which I've done here:
But it's always seemed a bit hackish, especially since I'm having to
copy/paste all of the render() method just to remove the slash. My
fear is that I won't notice if/when the base's render() method
I'm happy to see this conversation and would be happy to help
implement these ideas once they're hammered down.
+1 This is very cool
> {% field email class="special" tabindex="3" %}
This would be convenient, but I think a filter is cleaner and more
consistent, e.g.:
{{ field|class:"special"|as_li }}
This would keep it compatible with the original suggest, which I think
is a logical approach. You could make the filter accept either a Field
object or a string, i.e. if "field" is a Field object, then update the
class attribute in the widget, so that it will be there when the
widget is rendered later. If "field" is a HTML (basestring?), then
update the class attribute in the top element. "tabindex" could be
handled as a filter too... of course, a filter for each possible
attribute is not a generic approach, but we don't use that many HTML
attributes for forms and I think another tag would be clutter.
> I've been thinking about having a {% doctype %} tag.
+1 ... I like where that is going
Will Hardy
Moreover, the use of filters means that the form can now provide a
better interface for us to write our own fitlers, or tags, etc. Sort
of like what they say about UNIX tools ... small tools combined to
make bigger ones.
Rajeev J Sebastian
Not really. I started the implementation on the plane ride back from
PyCon, realized that it wouldn't work *quite* the way I'd proposed
(widgets don't have access to form data, only BoundFields do), and
haven't gotten back to it yet.