{% include "/etc/passwd" %}
Django templates shoudn`t permit html coder to include files located
above TEMPLATE_DIRS paths.
What do you think about it?
Best regards,
Of course, html coders need to accept a certain responsibility because
sometimes they can access a *lot* of information quite easily. I would
think if you have a non programmer making changes, the programmers
would want to at least review those changes before accepting them, in
addition to a reasonable API.
> Of course, html coders need to accept a certain responsibility because
> sometimes they can access a *lot* of information quite easily. I would
> think if you have a non programmer making changes, the programmers
> would want to at least review those changes before accepting them, in
> addition to a reasonable API.
I cannot agree with you. My application permit any user modify
templates code - follow a django philosophy - and they shouldn`t have
access to any private information that aren`t located in django base
path. Include tag is part of standard django library, and in my
opinion it contain trivial security hole... I made patch fixing this
vulnerability, but I want to see your opinions about it shoud be
patched or not.
Best regards,
I'm personally ambivalent about where the "include" tag should be able
to search, because I can see cases where it'd be useful to have it
pull in things that aren't in TEMPLATE_DIRS. If you're interested in
confining the places from which the file may be pulled, use the "ssi"
tag and specify ALLOWED_INCLUDE_ROOTS in your settings file -- the
"ssi" tag will forbid access to directories not specified in that
Also, for future reference, Django's policy for reporting
security-related issues or suspected security-related issues is
outlined here:
And do keep in mind that the Django template system isn't necessarily
constructed to be safe when exposed to arbitrary users -- there are
many, many things which are perfectly acceptable and extremely useful
when the template author is a trusted member of your staff, but which
can easily be exploited if you allow arbitrary users to begin
authoring templates. I'm not certain we should weaken the template
language to accommodate that use case, since what you're doing
(allowing users to upload something which will be executed by your
server) is inherently insecure.
"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."
It's a bug and not intended behavior. I've opened a ticket and have
attached a patch.
I've put up a new patch which is pretty solid and ready for a
committer's review.
> I'm personally ambivalent about where the "include" tag should be able
> to search, because I can see cases where it'd be useful to have it
> pull in things that aren't in TEMPLATE_DIRS. If you're interested in
> confining the places from which the file may be pulled, use the "ssi"
> tag and specify ALLOWED_INCLUDE_ROOTS in your settings file -- the
> "ssi" tag will forbid access to directories not specified in that
> setting.
Don't you mean *disallow* use of {% include %} and *enforce* use of {%
ssi %} (only)? If he has no control over the template code html
authors are generating, and {% include %} is part of django, those
template authors would be able to access it and would expect to be
allowed to access it?
Sort of, but not really. Personally, I don't think there's any secure
way to allow arbitrary users to upload templates, because there are
just too many ways to expose something you wouldn't want to expose; if
you were going to develop a sandboxed version of the template system,
you'd have to strip it down so much that it almost wouldn't be
recognizable afterward.
This was my feeling also, however I think it is prudent to prevent
legitimate users from making mistakes. I don't know about designers,
but I have worked with some programmers that just don't think things
through like they should...
You mentioned earlier that you "can see cases where it'd be useful to
have it pull in things that aren't in TEMPLATE_DIRS" - I suppose I can
also, but everything I can think of is safer & cleaner by restricting
it to TEMPLATE_DIRS locations (e.g. adding the extra directories, sym
linking, or just maintaining another copy in an existing TEMPLATE_DIRS
spot). The advantage is of course that the decision is made by the
person managing the settings.py file - which is usually the one who
knows more about system security than developers. This isn't
foolproof, but does stop some mistakes, and for that reason I think
the fix should be included.
This tells me they have a much deeper problem that Django really can't
help solve. ;-)
OK, then I'd agree on restricting it to TEMPLATE_DIRS.
I'm just worried that this would create the misconception that it's
safe to allow arbitrary third parties to supply templates; I'd be
willing to bet money that any site doing this is open to very serious
exploits: XSS becomes trivially easy, user session information can be
obtained, etc., etc.
Again, to lock things down enough to be safe for arbitrary user
templates, you'd basically have to make the template system
I can always hope for a nice contrib app - one that automatically
fires people for poorly written code would probably do the trick!
I think the patch looks good. Can someone please confirm that the
latest patch works ok on Windows.
I guess you mean apart from me? ;)
You would be fine, but I wasn't sure if you tested on Windows.
I'm making my diffs with Bazaar, using "bzr diff". My unix patch seems
to handle them ok. Sorry about that.