38th Django User Group Berlin (djub), June 18, 2013, 7pm, Mohrenstrasse 60

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Stephan Jäkel

Jun 11, 2013, 4:01:33 PM6/11/13
to django...@googlegroups.com, djan...@googlegroups.com

I'm happy to announce the 38th Django User Group Berlin (djub) meetup happening

Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 7 PM

at the Lieferheld Office, Mohrenstrasse 60 in Berlin [1]

Please RVSP on meetup.com:


At this meetup, we want to try something new. The idea is to ask anyone to explain what she is working on and then see if others working on the same topic and may want to group up and exchange experiences or work on some code together.

Lets see how it works! :)

Please be aware that there are only few spots left, so RVSP quickly.
As we started using meetup.com [2] for the event planing, please only RVSP there. Thank you.

See you,


[1] http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Mohrenstrasse+60%2C+Berlin
[2] http://www.meetup.com/django-user-group-berlin/
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