Accessibility - Using Aria

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Jonathan Homer

Jul 7, 2020, 9:41:10 AM7/7/20
to django CMS developers
I have been working on a public government website that is all about disabilities.  I have been using aria to improve parts of the website under our control with templates etc.  

However I have come to parts like anchors where the page maintainers add, who know little about HTML markup.  I have been looking at the Link Editor there seems to be no section (I may have missed it) for adding in such values.  This helps when we have a paragraph on information with the "Learn More" anchor link, not an amazing design I know but a common enough.  If we could add for example aria-label we could add a descriptive tag like aria-label="Learn more about Autism" etc.  This means when screen readers get to the link it will understand what is happening and would then be able to give a good description of where the link goes.

So would that be a possible enhancement?  Or have I missed a more obvious route, that is already in CMS that can help?  

This opens up perhaps more questions.  

For example we do have the ability to add description to images, so that is easy to improve.  I just wondered if there were any other parts that can be simply added to CMS to improve the readability?

What are your thoughts?
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