Hi Dan,
> So now in transaction.rows I have all the rows.
> And in transaction.rows.pages I have all the paginated rows.
Probably just a typo on your part, but it should be
Now, django-tables really just uses the default pagination tools of
Django here, which in turn rely on the laziness of querysets. It is
true that you have all rows in "transaction.rows" - however, those
should never be loaded from the database unless you actually use the
"rows" property (by iterating over it, indexing into it, querying it's
len etc). If they do, this would be a bug.
So as long as you just use "
transaction.rows.page", only the rows from
the current page should be loaded. There's also "
which contains the original Django paginator page object, which you
could use alternatively (e.g. transaction.page.object_list,
transaction.page.has_next etc).