3D Printed Isomorphic Keyboard Piano Overlay

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John Moriarty

Dec 10, 2017, 3:15:28 PM12/10/17
to diykeyboard
Hi Y'all =)

I've got a working prototype of an isomorphic keyboard overlay that sits on top of a standard piano keyboard. It can be lifted away and moved to another keyboard easily which is nice. Here's a quick overview and demonstration if you'd like to take a look:

You can also check me out playing Donna Lee (at a snail's pace) on the first (flat) version I printed here:

I've uploaded the openSCAD files as well as the .stl files to thingiverse here:


Feb 3, 2018, 7:43:02 PM2/3/18
to diykeyboard
Hello - Your "action" Idea is interesting - What is the 'Rod' secured to on either side? I could imagine you would be able to raise or lower the keys - if 'whatever' secures the keys -via the rod has extra holes  - maybe a better question is, do you have a 'block' (with holes for the rod) on either end of the keyboard? is it adjustable in some way....notches holes or something?

Regards; PaulPb

John Moriarty

Feb 3, 2018, 10:10:34 PM2/3/18
to diyke...@googlegroups.com
Howdy! At the moment, the rod isn't secured to anything, and it's been surprising to me how little of a problem it's been. (The overlay doesn't seem to want to slide toward the player during play.) Ideally, it would be secured though, which would probably have to be done on a keyboard by keyboard basis.

What makes you think about raising or lowering the keys? Do you mean to make the surface more or less slanted, or just higher or lower?


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