about the peachy printer

已查看 39 次


2013年9月29日 15:59:552013/9/29
收件人 diy...@googlegroups.com
What do the experts on 3d printing say about this product:


I'm still reading how it works and it seems to have good resolution
for $100. It uses the photolithography method. What do you all think?
Is it good to toy around with? They're only expecting to start
shipping around end of summer of 2014.

Mac Davis

2013年9月29日 18:43:592013/9/29
收件人 diy...@googlegroups.com
It seems like a good product for $100 to me. The three times I saw it brought up in #reprap irc there were negative reactions, but one of the guys already funded it. One person suggested the resin was too expensive, toxic, and the system was too low resolution. But another said that MakerJuice was making it, and it was of comparable cost with ABS by weight.

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