Invitation to MIT Fab Lab Conference in Barcelona

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Anna Waldman-Brown

Apr 23, 2014, 3:08:08 PM4/23/14
Dear DIY Bio Community,

I’d like to invite you all to the 10th annual Fab Lab Conference in Barcelona, Spain this 2-8 July-- it's a week-long celebration of digital fabrication and small-scale manufacturing. FAB10 will bring together the global MIT-affiliated fab lab network, with over 500 engineers, designers, and other innovators from roughly 250 fab lab workshops worldwide.


We'd love to feature some biology workshops during our giant weekend Fab Festival, in which makers and inventors will share their projects with the general public. We expect about 10,000 people from around Barcelona to participate in the festival, and this year’s theme is city-wide sustainability and development. Workshop organizers for the festival will get free passes to the conference. Please apply here, and encourage your friends and colleagues to join in:


Also, kindly advertise to your networks that we’re seeking open-source, world-changing projects for the World Bank-sponsored Global Fab Awards, and winners may get a free trip to Barcelona:


Thank you! Feel free to contact me personally with any questions.

All the best,

Anna Waldman-Brown

Fab Festival Coordinator

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