Call for Participants

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Marnia Johnston

Sep 9, 2010, 5:28:55 PM9/9/10
I'm helping to curate a show called the MultiSpecies Salon 3 in New Orleans and would love to invite any one else in DIYbio to submit work (can be anything, a presentation, labwork, etc.) for the exhibition. See the call for participants below, the new deadline is the 15th.  Feel free to email me back with any questions.

The curators of Multispecies Salon 3:SWARM invite wild artists to
submit work about edible companions, life in the age of biotechnology,
or blasted landscapes for an upcoming exhibit in New Orleans.

The Multispecies Salon 3: SWARM
New Orleans, November 2010

The Multispecies Salon 3 will use art to explore human relationships
with nature.  This art exhibit will ask: Which species flourish, and
which fail, when natural and cultural worlds intermingle and collide?
How are the bodies of organisms, and even entire ecosystems, being
brought into schemes of biotechnology and dreams of biocapitalism?
And finally, with particular relevance to New Orleans:  In the
aftermath of disaster—in a blasted landscape that has been transformed
by multiple catastrophes—what are the possibilities of biocultural

A curatorial collective is reaching out to renowned bioartists,
ecoartists, and kinetic artists in New Orleans, across the United
States, and around the world.  With this call we are also soliciting
artifacts and organisms from “wild artists”—school children,
environmental advocates, community organizers, and scholars who do not
all have recognizable art credentials. Pushing Joseph Beuys' famous
decree--"You are all artists"—beyond human realms we will also frame
microbes, insects, and plants as creative agents.

To submit an artifact or artwork to the Multispecies Salon e-mail us
an image or a brief description of your piece (200 words or less):  All submissions should fit within one
of the three themes described on our website: 1) NaturalCultural
Worlds, 2) Life in the Age of Biotechnology, and 3) Hope in Blasted
Landscapes.  If you would like to submit a bio art piece, using living
matter as your medium, please include an additional statement
addressing how the piece should be cared for in the gallery and any
public health concerns.  Submissions are due on September 1st and
participants will be notified by September 15th if their piece is
accepted.  Opening night will be November 12th, 2010.
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