Thanks Steve,
I did a bit of searching for H bridge servo control but didn’t find anything particular.
But I have just got the PID library working with the H bridge / dc motor. I had an initial issue, which I don’t fully understand, but now works in principal after setting output constraints between -255 and 255 and setting direction to be clockwise when positive and anti-clockwise when negative. The abs Output value is sent as PWM speed control.
Just need to work on the tuning parameters now!
> On 21 Jun 2023, at 1:30 am, Steve Edmonds <> wrote:
> Searching for "arduino servo dc motor control library" and "arduino dc motor valve position control" I found a number of examples using PID and possible H bridge. A number use the L298N but this may not have enough drive for you.
> To view this discussion on the web visit