Re: [diy-pid-control] Digest for - 7 updates in 1 topic

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Lukas Podschlapp

Jul 11, 2023, 4:04:46 AM7/11/23
Thanks very much for all the replies!

I have tried Steve's recommendation and it seems to get rid of the initial issue with the shifting of window at unexpected times. Great!
However I am facing another issue that I didn't have before.

For the record, pump and flow through heater are switched off, so the output should be 100 at all times, however I get outputs of 45.02 at random times and looking at the actual relay status, the window does not seem to adjust properly either.
I am starting to lose my mind here :D

My current code:

#include <FlowSensor.h>
#include <LcdBarGraph.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

//Internal NTC Stuff
const long int RT0 = 50000;  // Ω
const int B = 3970;          //  K
const int VCC = 5;           //Supply  voltage
const long int R = 12000;    //R=10KΩ

float RT, VR, ln, TX, T0, VRT;

//Thermocouple Stuff
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_MAX31855.h"

// Example creating a thermocouple instance with software SPI on any three
// digital IO pins.
#define MAXDO_1 31
#define MAXCS_1 30
#define MAXCLK_1 29

// initialize the Thermocouple
Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple_1(MAXCLK_1, MAXCS_1, MAXDO_1);

#define MAXDO_2 26
#define MAXCS_2 27
#define MAXCLK_2 28

// initialize the Thermocouple
Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple_2(MAXCLK_2, MAXCS_2, MAXDO_2);

//PID Stuff
#include <PID_v1.h>
#define RELAY_PIN 19

//Define Variables we'll be connecting to
double Setpoint, Input, Output;

//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
double Kp = 30, Ki = 10, Kd = 100;
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT);

//WindowSize DON'T CHANGE FOR NOW!!!
int WindowSize = 100;
unsigned long windowStartTime;

const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);
byte LCD_Columns = 20;
byte LCD_Rows = 4;

//Flow Sensor
FlowSensor Sensor(YFS201, 18);
unsigned long timebefore = 0;  // same type as millis(), is not being used again in this sketch

const int Pump = 10;

int variables[2][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 2, 200 } };  // I want to link to the array in the array that I setup in the Menu file

void count() {

void setup() {
  //PID Stuff
  //windowStartTime = millis();
  windowStartTime = 0;
  //initialize the variables we're linked to
  Setpoint = 70;  //Temperature is the Setpoint
  //tell the PID to range between 0 and the full window size
  myPID.SetOutputLimits(0, WindowSize);
  myPID.SetSampleTime(WindowSize / 10);  // make sure we measure and sample at least 10 times per WindowSize.
  //turn the PID on


  T0 = 25 + 273.15;


  //Flow Through Heater

  pinMode(Pump, OUTPUT);

  //LCD Begin and Test
  lcd.begin(20, 4);

void loop() {
  // Pump and show progress on LCD until the desired volume has been reached
  LcdBarGraph lbg0(&lcd, 19, 1, 2);
  for (variables[0][0]; variables[0][0] < variables[1][1];) {
    //for (millis(); millis() < 10000;) {
    lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
    lbg0.drawValue(variables[0][0], variables[1][1]);
    digitalWrite(Pump, HIGH);;
    variables[0][0] = Sensor.getVolume() * 1000;
    Serial.print("Volume: ");
    Serial.print("ml --- ");
    //Temperature Stuff
    VRT = analogRead(A15);         //Acquisition analog value of VRT
    VRT = (5.00 / 1023.00) * VRT;  //Conversion to voltage
    VR = VCC - VRT;
    RT = VRT / (VR / R);  //Resistance of RT
    ln = log(RT / RT0);
    TX = (1 / ((ln / B) + (1 / T0)));  //Temperature from thermistor
    TX = TX - 273.15;                  //Conversion to Celsius
    Serial.print("NTC Temperature: ");
    Serial.print(" degC --- ");
    //Serial.print("Internal Temp 2 = ");
    double d = thermocouple_2.readCelsius();
    Serial.print("FTH Control Temp. = ");
    Serial.print(" degC");
    //Serial.print(" --- Internal Temp 1 = ");

    Input = TX;

   * turn the output pin on/off based on pid output
    if (windowStartTime == 0) windowStartTime = millis();
    if (millis() - windowStartTime > WindowSize) {  //time to shift the Relay Window
      windowStartTime += WindowSize;
      Serial.print("Relay Window shifted");
      //Serial.print(" --- VALUES: Input: ");
      Serial.print(" --- Setpoint: ");
      Serial.print(" --- Output: ");

    if (Output > millis() - windowStartTime) {
      digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, RELAY_ON);
      Serial.print(" --- Relay ON ");
      Serial.print(" --- Time: ");

    } else {
      digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, RELAY_OFF);
      Serial.print(" --- Relay OFF");
      Serial.print(" --- Time: ");
  digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, RELAY_OFF);
  digitalWrite(Pump, RELAY_OFF);
  lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
  while (1) {}


And parts of what I get (everything behind "Time: XXX" in each line has been added by me in the email)

09:55:29.980 -> Relay Window shifted --- Setpoint: 70.00 --- Output: 45.02 --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9742ms
09:55:29.980 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9747ms
09:55:30.012 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9752ms
09:55:30.012 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9758ms
09:55:30.012 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9763ms
09:55:30.012 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9769ms
09:55:30.012 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9775ms
09:55:30.045 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9780ms
09:55:30.045 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9786ms
09:55:30.045 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay OFF --- Time: 9791ms
09:55:30.045 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay OFF --- Time: 9796ms
09:55:30.045 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9802ms
09:55:30.045 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9807ms
09:55:30.079 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9812ms
09:55:30.079 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9819ms
09:55:30.079 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9824ms
09:55:30.079 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9830ms
09:55:30.079 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay OFF --- Time: 9835ms
09:55:30.079 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC

09:55:29.391 -> Relay Window shifted --- Setpoint: 70.00 --- Output: 100.00 --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9143ms
09:55:29.391 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9148ms
09:55:29.391 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9153ms
09:55:29.423 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9159ms
09:55:29.423 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9164ms
09:55:29.423 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9169ms
09:55:29.423 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9176ms
09:55:29.423 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9181ms
09:55:29.423 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay OFF --- Time: 9186ms <--- OFF even though Output = 100
09:55:29.456 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9192ms
09:55:29.456 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9197ms
09:55:29.456 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9203ms
09:55:29.456 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9208ms
09:55:29.456 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9213ms
09:55:29.456 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9220ms
09:55:29.489 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9225ms
09:55:29.489 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9230ms
09:55:29.489 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay OFF --- Time: 9236ms <--- OFF even though Output = 100
09:55:29.489 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.56 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC
09:55:29.489 -> Relay Window shifted --- Setpoint: 70.00 --- Output: 100.00 --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9242ms
09:55:29.489 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9248ms
09:55:29.489 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9253ms
09:55:29.522 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9259ms
09:55:29.554 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 25.42 degC --- FTH Control Temp. = 24.25 degC --- Relay ON  --- Time: 9308ms

On Sun, 9 Jul 2023 at 14:24, <> wrote:
Pieter S <>: Jul 08 04:24PM +0200

What happens if Windowsize is increased fro 500ms to say 5000ms (5s)?
Speed of relays switching?
On Sat, 08 Jul 2023, 13:51 Lukas Podschlapp, <>
Lukas Podschlapp <>: Jul 08 05:50PM +0200

I changed it from 100ms to 500ms. It decreases the amount of wrong windows
in the beginning to only two and then keeps going normally. I would like to
keep it at 100ms though.
17:48:41.919 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 26.11 degC --- FTH
Control Temp. = 27.00 degC
17:48:41.919 -> Relay Window shifted --- Setpoint: 70.00 --- Output:
0.00 --- Relay OFF --- Time: 1038ms
17:48:41.919 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 26.11 degC --- FTH
Control Temp. = 27.00 degC
17:48:41.919 -> Relay Window shifted --- Setpoint: 70.00 --- Output:
0.00 --- Relay OFF --- Time: 1044ms
17:48:41.952 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 26.25 degC --- FTH
Control Temp. = 27.00 degC --- Relay OFF --- Time: 1050ms
17:48:41.952 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 26.11 degC --- FTH
Control Temp. = 27.00 degC --- Relay OFF --- Time: 1055ms
17:48:41.952 -> Volume: 0ml --- NTC Temperature: 26.25 degC --- FTH
Control Temp. = 27.00 degC --- Relay OFF --- Time: 1060ms
Steve Edmonds <>: Jul 09 06:21AM +1200

In the first part, relay is off although output is 100 for about one window.
Serial.print WindowSize and windowStartTime, I suspect  initially you
loop through if millis() - windowStartTime > WindowSize){}
On 8/07/23 23:51, Lukas Podschlapp wrote:
Pieter S <>: Jul 08 08:30PM +0200

What is pid.compute() cycle time? 1000ms comes to mind?
Try matching the pid cycle time with window?
Steve Edmonds <>: Jul 09 06:47AM +1200

Looking at serial output it seems to take 14-15ms to loop.
On 9/07/23 06:30, Pieter S wrote:
Steve Edmonds <>: Jul 09 07:11AM +1200

I have found adding a window start time initialisation first time
through the loop helped. I have abstracted the relay control to an
interrupt cycle so it runs independent of the loop cycle but think the
equivalent in your code would be;
in setup()
windowStartTime = 0;
In loop()
  if (millis() - windowStartTime > WindowSize) {  //time to shift the
Relay Window
      windowStartTime += WindowSize;
if (windowStartTime ==0 ) windowStartTime = millis();
if (windowStartTime ==0 ) windowStartTime = millis();
  if (millis() - windowStartTime > WindowSize) {  //time to shift the
Relay Window
      windowStartTime += WindowSize;
On 8/07/23 23:51, Lukas Podschlapp wrote:
Pieter S <>: Jul 09 08:29AM +0200

Yes!, that old bug... variables not probably init.
I see the default sampling is indeed 200ms
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Steve Edmonds

Jul 12, 2023, 5:34:13 AM7/12/23
Hi Lukas, where did you get your Kp = 30, Ki = 10, Kd = 100 from.
If your Input ranges from say 10-100C and your output is from 0-100, Kp = 30 seems quite high.

Does the NTC sensor sense the water temperature or the heater body temperature
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