Hey friends, has anyone used an Intest TS series controller? seems somewhat like a black box... the P I and D inputs are described as:
"Kp - when Kp is 2 and the temperature error is >2, the result is 100% effort. in non-temperature control terms this would constitute a proportional gain of 1/2
Ki - when Ki is 2, the result is high integral action; if substantially larger, a very slow integral action. in non-temperature control terms this would represent an integral gain of 1/2
Kd - when Kd is 2, the result is high derivative action, if substantially larger, very slow derivative action. in non temperature control terms this would represent an integral derivative gain of 1/2"
so its seems like the values are inverse??
P has a max value of 255, min 1
I has max value 2500, min 0
D has max value of 8000, min 0. Cant have D without I, "bad PID values" error.
the system is very slow to respond (heat mass driven), so any I term seems to lead to instability with all the wind up. cant use D without I, P alone isnt saving me. bout ready to throw this thing through the window.
long question short - has anyone used this family of controllers or seen something similar? any wisdom for me? thank you!