Round 3078 HENTILAGET Defs - Vote Now!

10 visualitzacions
Ves al primer missatge no llegit

Tim Lodge

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 6:23:545/6/20
a Dixonary
Here we have 13 imaginative defs of the word HENTILAGET, only one of which comes from my dictionary.  Please vote for your two favoutites by public reply to this message before the deadline, which is:

        20:30 BST on Sunday 7th June
        21:30 CET
        19:30 UTC
         3:30 PM EST
        12:30 PM PST
        07:30 NZDT  on Monday in New Zealand

New players are welcome - just don't look up the word until after you've voted.

--  Tim L

 1.  ornamental work in plaster.

 2.  a tool for flensing whale carcasses.

 3.  an annoying person who cannot take a hint.

 4.  preciosity in literary style or expression.

 5.  (Zool.) the hollow basal part of a feather.

 6.   (Fr.) having components that rotate in sequence.

 7.  flora characteristic of roadside hedgerows that resists attempts at cultivation.

 8.  a sweet, deep red dessert wine produced in Germany; the grape from which this is made.

 9.  (Hentila’get) from Old English, a wager or challenge, usually made during heavy drinking.

10.  a tuft of wool fallen or torn from a sheep's back which is gathered from the pasture or the hillside.

11.  In pre-Norman English law, the right of a lord of a manor to try anyone accused of theft within his domain.

12.  the informal gathering of savings among a group of people, which is handed out to each person, one after the other.

13.  a printing technology in which lenticular lenses are used to produce images with an illusion of depth or the ability to change and move if viewed from different angles.

Tim B

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 6:53:085/6/20
I'll have 9 and 13, please.

I take it mine, posted at 09.19 this morning, didn't get to you in time, Tim.

Best wishes,
Tim Bourne.

Johnb -

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 7:31:205/6/20

#9 and #10 for no reason at all



Tim Lodge

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 7:44:115/6/20
a Dixonary
Sorry, Tim, I've seen no trace of your def, and I've checked all my spam filters.  I'll let you know if it turns up.

--  Tim L


no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 7:56:465/6/20
a Dixonary
11 and 13 please

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Daniel B Widdis

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 8:31:335/6/20
I’d like to vote for 9 twice, but failing that I suppose 2 is strange enough to earn my second vote. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 5, 2020, at 5:31 AM, Johnb - <> wrote:

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Judy Madnick

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 9:26:345/6/20
I'll vote for these "just because":
1.  ornamental work in plaster.

13.  a printing technology in which lenticular lenses are used to produce images with an illusion of depth or the ability to change and move if viewed from different angles.
Judy Madnick
Albany, NY

Tim Lodge

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 13:31:265/6/20
a Dixonary

Your def message turned up at 18:07 BST today - it appears to have been held up at the mail server which redirects mail from the address I use for Dixonary to another one of mine.  You get 2 DP..

--  Tim

France International/Mike Shefler

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 15:06:335/6/20
I'll go with 9 and 10.

Shani Naylor

no llegida,
5 de juny 2020, 17:13:395/6/20
10 & 11 for me. 

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Tim Lodge

no llegida,
6 de juny 2020, 10:48:306/6/20
a Dixonary
I didn't really intend to give you quite so long to vote - it looks as though I tried to add 1½ days to Friday and got Sunday instead of Saturday.  No matter, I won't change the deadline.  However, if those of you who have submitted a def but haven't yet voted would like to do so, I might be able to close the round early under Rule 8(a)(2).

--  Tim L

Efrem G Mallach

no llegida,
6 de juny 2020, 10:54:106/6/20
I'll do my part toward an early closing: 5 and 12.



On Jun 5, 2020, at 6:23 AM, Tim Lodge <> wrote:

Here we have 13 imaginative defs of the word HENTILAGET, only one of which comes from my dictionary.  Please vote for your two favoutites by public reply to this message before the deadline, which is:

        20:30 BST on Sunday 7th June
        21:30 CET
        19:30 UTC
         3:30 PM EST
        12:30 PM PST
        07:30 NZDT  on Monday in New Zealand

New players are welcome - just don't look up the word until after you've voted.

--  Tim L

 5.  (Zool.) the hollow basal part of a feather.

12.  the informal gathering of savings among a group of people, which is handed out to each person, one after the other.

no llegida,
6 de juny 2020, 10:56:056/6/20

Tim – I’ll try 8 and 11.



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Christopher Carson

no llegida,
6 de juny 2020, 16:53:176/6/20

9 and 13 for me.




Basta. Adesso finita la commedia.



Tony Abell

no llegida,
6 de juny 2020, 17:13:086/6/20
a Tim Lodge

I'll try 9 and 10:

Joseph Leckenby

no llegida,
7 de juny 2020, 11:36:417/6/20
a Dixonary
2 and 9
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