Almost each one of us carries a heavy or subtle burden of negative events and happenings that have taken place in our life sometime in the past, either an immediate past or a far-off one; which reduce our present contentment levels immensely. The negative past could be of any form – you experienced the loss of a close loved one due to an end in a relationship or sudden death; you went through a serious physical illness or a very lean phase of financial loss, you were abused on a mental or physical level; you were not treated properly by a colleague at office and undue advantage was taken of you; you performed an inappropriate action and you repent up till now, even after many years have passed, and many such similar and different types of incidents.
There are three different types of processes for removing negative past memories from our consciousness:
Modifying - A negative past event is modified into a positive, beneficial form and then stored in the consciousness.
Forgetting - Memories of a negative past event are forgotten and do not exist either in our conversations or in our conscious mind or thoughts, but traces of those memories exist in the sub-conscious mind.
Erasing - No traces of the negative past exist in the consciousness and memories of it are removed from the sub-conscious also.
We need to take the help of all the different aspects or techniques of spirituality for these removal processes. In the next two messages, we will explain 7 such different techniques of spirituality, which if incorporated in our life, help us experience lightness and emotional freedom from the past. All of them have their own unique importance.
(To be continued …)