Hi Caroline,
I assume this is line transect aerial survey data, hence the dip in
detections at smaller perpendicular distances?
I'll be happy to have a look at this, but it will be much easier if you
can send me a sample of data and code, off the list (just mail my
University address) and I'll check it out. Once we have a solution we
can post back to the list what it was.
Cheers, Len
> returns0.6514296, which is smaller than 1 and leads to a negative value
> in the expression (((key.shape - 1)/exp(1))^(key.shape - 1)).
> Also, running the same model on the same data with a HR key function
> returns the expected p0 values. The gamma by far yields the best fit to
> the data so it would be too bad to have to use a HR and left-truncate
> the data if I can't use the gamma. Any suggestion how I could fix this?
> Thank you very much,
> Caroline
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Len Thomas (he/him)
len.t...@st-andrews.ac.uk lenthomas.org @len_thom
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling
and School of Mathematics and Statistics
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