Fwd: IIW X Early Bird Reg ends tomorrow

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Chris Messina

Mar 26, 2010, 3:35:59 PM3/26/10
to DiSo Project, activity-streams
Just an FYI that Internet Identity Workshop early bird pricing ends today!

This is the event where I launched ActivityStreams — as well as where OpenID and OAuth got its start, so it's definitely a good place to go to participate in identity and social web technologies.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Phil Windley <ph...@windley.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:06 AM
Subject: IIW X Early Bird Reg ends tomorrow
To: ch...@citizenagency.com

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to give you a reminder that IIW X early bird registration ends tomorrow.  Go here to register:


Hope to see you there in May.


Chris Messina
Open Web Advocate, Google

Personal: http://factoryjoe.com
Follow me on Buzz: http://buzz.google.com/chrismessina
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