[Vice City Hack Tool Free Download

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Cdztattoo Barreto

Jun 13, 2024, 12:50:10 AM (13 days ago) Jun 13
to dishupowfi

The code should allow you to make missions in C++, although alot of the functions might need adding to the script classes (you'll see what I mean when you get it ). Doing this allows you to write mission code in the format of...

The last command in the above sample code, pGame->TextNow, displays text from a GXT entry, but with the included GXT hook, you can add your own "fake" gxt entries (prefixed with an exclamation mark) as I have done with "!CAUGHT"...

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Since no one else has said this yet, I suppose it only appropriate that it be me. Spookie, it's great to see a guy like you here, in this community. It's people like you who are constantly making the required advancements that thrust new oppurtunities into the plates of the laymen. Thanks for this new offering, it won't go unappreciated.

...or dead on the floor after New Years. I was going to reply yesterday, nearly immediately after reading this, but in my drunken state I feared both that this was a topic which didn't require replies, and also that my words would fall in a seemingly confusing fashion.

And I have a feeling that the more advanced mission script editors that will be coming out for the PC version of GTA SA using C like structured codes will be just as "popular". I hope I'm wrong though. Seriously. Not trying to start another flame war. Since this post could get people pissed anyway, I just want to "end" with that I would like to see another BASIC like mission script editor since BASIC is EASY (or should be). Like a real professional BASIC compiler supporting C like functions, subs, object oriented programming, using functions in functions, like

I have not been by these forums in months, I did alot of mission coding never released to anyone but friends and I using gtama. I liked their tool. but being a C coder I am absolutely thrilled at this new development.

Unlike some people who are constantly moaning, there are some of us that love C. C really has a great syntax and style, half the languages borrow its syntax,java, javascript, php .... . The old way of mission coding at times was so hacked. Just doing simple loops or comparisions was hackish. Now we have goool ole C.

I must admit I have never seen an asi file. I did compile the code, it did give me a couple of errors about bMsg not being initiated due to the goto Mission failed statement. I did a temp work around til I spend the time to see what was going on ( only had about 10 mins to look at it ). and compiled it to a dll. renamed the dll scmmod.asi and it seemed to work.

Normally .asi files are plugins for the Miles Sound System the game uses, so it scans for those files on startup and executes them. You could also name it .m3d or .flt, I think flt files are loaded last (if you need to overwrite settings made by an asi file). All are simple dll files.

If you aren't interested in supporting the mission modding community then PLEASE keep that to yourself. And if you can't handle reading my personal opinions, then please keep that to yourself too. And please save your account info the next time you create one. It's starting to get seriously annoying. Thank you.

I can HANDLE your opinions fine. HTF am I not handling them? Heh. I just disagree with them. I have seen you many many times complain here about other peoples work and a opinions. I find it insanely funny how you say I cant HANDLE your opinions then tell me not to post MINE. Heh.

Sometimes I have to wonder if you are for real or just a troll. Even though I much prefered the gtama editor to yours, I never bashed your contribution or your editor. I think its great if people like your code syntax.

I am glad that now I can code missions in C and will in fact be working on some missions that I will share here with others when I am done with them. Barton what I dont understand about you, is why you constantly need to attack other peoples contributions? If you dont find them usefull then dont use them.

Well, first of all, I guess this belongs in the blarg forum, but I'm posting because I'm curious about what exactly you're talking about. It seems to me that whenever I make ANY suggestions to ANYTHING no matter what it is, just because it's me making the suggestions, people are telling me I complain about their work. In this thread, I was very careful to just point out some facts about what I remember about a tool released for GTA 3 without actually having any opinions about it in any way. And what's the first thing that happends ? Y-Less comes in here and asks why this topic isn't locked ? A poll is started in the Myriad forum to get peoples opinions about a radar and when I suggest making the poll bigger by including different color themes to the radar the hole place goes bonkers ? When people can't handle the simplest suggestions or opinions, how am I supposed to be able to respect those people ? I'm just sitting there stairing at the screen thinking "What the hell is this BS ? Who the hell are these people ?". And then I usually give up, turn of my PC and watch TV. I have this limit you see. I can handle just -- that much bs before I switch off and get on with my life. That I have this function in my brain makes me feel good too. Very good. Does this help ?

edit: I think I'm actually gonna make a thread in the blarg forum to ask people these questions. I guess it could be "fun" (or just get nasty, who cares). Damn, it seems the blarg forum is gone. sucks.

Life is opinionated. He who believes solely in religion and denounces science is as ignorant as he who believes solely in science but denounces religion. You see, both systems were created by mankind, and to understand humanity you must first understand this key relationship which has plagued our hopeless species since its origin, being that of evolution from single celled organisms or the hand of God. If you don't enjoy doing something, as it would seem you don't at times, then don't waste your time doing it, no matter the consequence. If people don't respect what you do then obviously they won't respect what you accomplish, and instead of spending your life trying to change those people enjoy the aspects that don't involve them. There are billions of people on Earth, there's no point in creating an ulcer for yourself over a small group that represent nothing more than 7.14 e-6% of our population. And please spare me any rants that may follow, this is merely a piece of advice, not a specification that must be lived by, and yes, this has everything to do with the previous confrontation.

What I meant in my first post was I thought when the topic was made and pinned, they locked it as well, don't ask me why, I just did. if you read my post it says "I thought it HAD been locked" not "it SHOULD be locked".

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