J2EE Spider is a tool for generating JEE code capable of increasing the productivity of Web development projects.
The version 1.0.0-M3 was released and has many improvements.
More about the project
Version 1.0.0-M3 (2008-05-25)
Bug * [Template] - Fix on template for Struts - cruds with field date, javascripts and others.
* [Template] - Solved generation problem in the folder /jsp/velocity used for the struts-menu.
* [Plugin - Core] - When a package had the same name of the mapping project generated classes in the wrong folder.
Improvement * [Plugin - Core] - Distribution of the plug-in using jar and a separate file from the template.
* [Plugin - Core] - Added validation of compatibility between the template and plug-in.
* [Plugin - Core] - Creation of exclusive tab for managing templates.
* [Plugin - Core] - Improved performance of build.
* [Plugin - Core] - Added button to select all the attributes of a class in CRUD.
* [Plugin - UI] - New wizard to open the SPIDER Editor.
* [Template] - More translations for the i18n.
* [Template] - Created attributes to store a summary of the characteristics of each template.
* [Template] - Added to template the possibility of running ant scripts to complete the build.
* [Template] - Using the feature of running ant scripts to run xdoclet-build.xml after the generation of CRUDs with Struts.
* [Template] - Alignment HTML code of jsp pages generated.
* [Others] - Using Atlassian Bamboo as software for continuous integration and the Fisheye.
* [Others] - Created an Eclipse Update Site for installation and upgrade of the plug-in.
* [Documentation] - Site: more pages translation into English (more documentation).
* [Documentation] - New session "Getting Started" on the site.
Bruno Braga