Main things to pay attention to:
The G.722 codec is now supported in the WebRTC stack and Chrome. This is useful for wideband audio in low-compute environments.
BlackMagic video capture devices are now supported in Chrome for Mac OS X.
VP8 HW decode is now supported in Chrome for Android on Samsung Exynos devices running KitKat and later.
The Android AppRTCDemo client now uses WebSockets for signaling. Previous versions of AppRTCDemo will stop working in the near future.
Now possible to build 64-bit builds for webrtc on iOS.
Issue 3953: (Sample Apps) Added settings screen to AppRTCDemo with options to choose video resolution, display type, GAE server URL, camera fps.
Issue 369796: (Chrome-specific) Performance improvements in getStats, setRemoteDescription and setLocalDescription as they no longer run on Chrome’s UI thread.
Issue 408089: (Chrome-specific) Switched the video stack on Mac over to AVFoundation (for Lion and up).
Improved handling of FEC packets, avoid queuing FEC packets which are not to be used into NetEq packet buffer.
Default Opus target bitrate adjusted to match maxplaybackrate; if maxplaybackrate set to a lower value (8000 Hz, e.g.), the bitrate will be set accordingly.
Improved pacing for screenshare (and regular video), resulting in lower send-side delay.
Added support for adaptive denoiser for VP8.
Issue 347371: (Chrome-specific) Fixed support for Black Magic Devices (BMD) on Mac OS X. Fixed by integrating the BMD SDK in Chromium.
May I know why changes in the AppRTCDemo demo application are
announced as part of Chrome M40?
Just wondering.