Hi all! We just finished a major libwebrtc update in Firefox Nightly two days ago.
This should improve WebRTC behavior in Firefox, but as with any major update, there's always a risk of fallout. So please give Nightly a spin with your services. We have 4 weeks to fix any bugs you report!
A sampling of improvements and bug fixes:
Bug 1232234 - RTCP BYE is sent for every media stream on renegotiation, replaceTrack, or setParameters
Bug 1730748 - WebRTC downgrades screen sharing resolution
Bug 1690832 - Terrible video quality after negotiating video tracks 3 times
Bug 1729110 - getSynchronizationSources() intermittently drops SSRC for video
A few things to look out for:
- The following non-standard (Firefox-only) stats were removed: bitrateMean, bitrateStdDev, framerateMean, framerateStdDev, droppedFrames (sic), discardedPackets (sic), as well as bytesReceived on "remote-inbound-rtp" stats.