Monitor WebRTC stream from the Browser

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Tim McClure

Jan 31, 2018, 10:04:18 AM1/31/18
to discuss-webrtc
This there a way through the webrtc protocol to know if a stream is coming into a Chrome browser.  We are using webrtc to stream from cameras connected to Wowza.  We have 2 scenarios:
1.  The video is streaming and the camera is unplugged - the browser freezes with a still image of the last frame.  We would like a mechanism the browser can use to know it is no longer getting video.
2.  Camera are streaming from a camera and a network condition causes the feed to freeze in the browser.  We would like a mechanism that would notice is still occurs so we can automatically refresh the video - refreshing the video generally fixes this issue.

Any insight on how to automate this capability would be greatly appreciated.

Tim McClure

Philipp Hancke

Jan 31, 2018, 12:07:08 PM1/31/18
to WebRTC-discuss
2018-01-31 16:04 GMT+01:00 Tim McClure <>:
This there a way through the webrtc protocol to know if a stream is coming into a Chrome browser.  We are using webrtc to stream from cameras connected to Wowza.  We have 2 scenarios:
1.  The video is streaming and the camera is unplugged - the browser freezes with a still image of the last frame.  We would like a mechanism the browser can use to know it is no longer getting video.

Use the getStats API as demonstrated on 
-- in this particular case framesDecoded should not increase anymore on the receiving (right) end on the report with type=inbound-rtp

2.  Camera are streaming from a camera and a network condition causes the feed to freeze in the browser.  We would like a mechanism that would notice is still occurs so we can automatically refresh the video - refreshing the video generally fixes this issue.

Check the ice connection status. describes this quite nicely and tells you about ice restarts.
Any insight on how to automate this capability would be greatly appreciated.

Tim McClure


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