Type | Issue | Description | Component |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1122844 | Enable bugprone-use-after-move clang-tidy check | Internals>Core |
Feature | http://crbug.com/1251096 | YUV444 support for H.264 WebRTC streams | Blink>WebRTC>Video,Internals>Media |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/11121 | Change default SdpSemantics to kUnifiedPlan and make Plan B [deprecated] | PeerConnection |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/12222 | Default enable send side bandwidth estimation for audio | Audio,BWE |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/12269 | Investigate AB-test result of refactoring InterArrivalDelta | BWE |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13383 | WebRTC stack unwind on Android ARM64 doesn't work with the latest Chromium Roll | Build |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13503 | OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier flagged as deprecated in Xcode 13 builds | Build |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13548 | stats expose qualitylimitationdurations as milliseconds, violating spec | Stats |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13555 | Replace RTC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN with =delete versions | Cleanup |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13565 | rtc_media_unittests failing | Audio |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13571 | Update WebRTC desktop_capture to accept int64_t display ids for ChromeOS | DesktopCapture |
Feature | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13572 | Switch encoder if init failed | Video |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13582 | Remove rtc::Thread's non-TaskQueueBase versions of PostTask and PostDelayedTask. | Cleanup |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13583 | TaskQueueBase: Add PostDelayedHighPrecisionTask() | Perf |
Feature | http://bugs.webrtc.org/13585 | allow embedding applications to start/stop event tracing | Perf,Stats |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/6625 | Remove code for RTP data channels | PeerConnection |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/9534 | PeerConnectionInterface::RemoveTrack should return RTCError | PeerConnection |
Bug | http://bugs.webrtc.org/9734 | Potential bad performance with simulcast screensharing | Video |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1287978 | Regression: Extension API for screen-sharing throws up new dialog | Blink>GetDisplayMedia |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1281399 | Fix rare deadlock in WebRtcTimer/MetronomeSource | Blink>WebRTC>PeerConnection |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1280213 | WebRTCGpuMemoryBufferReadback not working when input frame has alpha | Blink>WebRTC>Video |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1279214 | Corrupt WebRTC video from VP9 hardware decoder on Intel/Windows | Blink>WebRTC>Video,Internals>Media>Codecs |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1278792 | Focus the captured tab for getDisplayMedia, if a change of capture sources fails. | Blink>GetDisplayMedia |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1278321 | `Cannot find namespace 'mojo'.` while running typescript | Blink>GetUserMedia,Build,UI>Browser>WebUI |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1278262 | DCHECK failed in blink::WebRtcVideoFrameAdapter::SharedResources::~SharedResources with WebRTCGpuMemoryBufferReadback | Blink>WebRTC>Video,Internals>Media>Video |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1277945 | PendingAccessRequest should not cache a pointer to Extension | Blink>GetDisplayMedia |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1275617 | Media devices DeviceIDs get invalidated regularly, without firing a changeevent, when BrowsingDataLifetime policy is configured | Blink>GetUserMedia |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1272852 | VideoFrame from canvas with alpha:discard is incorrectly cropped when RTCRtpEncodingParameters.scaleResolutionDownBy is set and WebRTCGpuMemoryBufferReadback is enabled | Blink>WebRTC>PeerConnection |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1254269 | Propagate camera system permissions errors for getUserMedia on Windows | Blink>GetUserMedia |
Bug | http://crbug.com/1239207 | Video in an iframe played without sound | Blink>WebRTC>Audio |