I just landed
which you should read if you are parsing SDP yourself.
It adds
a=rtcp-fb:* <stuff>
lines to the SDP. This is the "wildcard" defined in
It is added for all feedback types are are either
* supported by all video codecs (i.e. rtx, ulpfec and flexfec are ignored)
* supported by Opus for audio.
There is a small semantic change here for audio:
This *may* apply TWCC feedback to PCMU
Since typically PCMU (or PCMA) is used with "telephony gateways" which don't need or support TWCC (and is a fixed bitrate codec anyway) this should not be relevant in practice.
At some undefined point in the future I hope we can switch libwebrtc (which has parsed this fine since forever) to include only the wildcard feedback and stop sending the per-codec feedback.
In unified-plan which repeats this for *every* codec and every (video) m-line this would save a lot lines in the SDP, we are talking about 40 out of 50 lines per m-line (*)
Please test that this doesn't break anything for your application.
(*) at the expensive of increasing this from 50 to 55 for the time being.