WebRTC M79 Release Notes
WebRTC M79 branch (cut at r29507)
WebRTC M79, currently available in Chrome's beta channel, contains 5 new features and over 10 bug fixes, enhancements and stability/performance improvements. As with previous releases, we encourage all developers to run versions of Chrome on the Canary, Dev, and Beta channels frequently and quickly report any issues found. Please take a look at this page, for some pointers on how to file a good bug report. The help we have received has been invaluable!
The Chrome release schedule can be found here. Native libraries for Android and iOS are built on a weekly basis and are available on JCenter and CocoaPods; the Changelog is available here.
The bytesSent member of RTCSentRtpStreamStats and the bytesReceived member of RTCInboundRtpStreamStats are defined to count the RTP payload bytes. See https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc-stats/. The webrtc library used to also include RTP header and padding bytes. This has now been fixed, see 10525.
This release contains a new Chrome Enterprise policy, called "WebRtcLocalIpsAllowedUrls". This policy is introduced to manage the mDNS obfuscation of local IPs in an enterprise environment.
When set, this policy defines a whitelist of URL patterns, each of which will be matched against the security origin of the requesting URL. If a match is found or chrome://flags/#enable-webrtc-hide-local-ips-with-mdns is "Disabled", local IP addresses will be shown in WebRTC ICE candidates. Otherwise, local IP addresses will be concealed with mDNS hostnames. (Please note that this policy weakens the protection of local IPs, and should only be used if needed by administrators.)
The URL pattern in the list is defined by the wildcard pattern, with the wildcard characters "*" (0 or more characters) and "?" (0 or 1 character) with the escape character "\", e.g. "https://www.example.com" or "*example.com*".