iOS WebRTC Fatal error in: audio_coding/codecs/cng/

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Alec Henderson

Jul 29, 2022, 6:16:08 AM7/29/22
to discuss-webrtc
Hello I'm hoping somebody can help - I'm getting the following error while using the iOS webRTC lib and I'm at a loss as to why. 

Audio generally functions okay however occasionally this happens, does anybody have any idea why that might be?

Let me know if any more information is needed and I can post it straight up.


# Fatal error in: ../../modules/audio_coding/codecs/cng/, line 285

# last system error: 2

# Check failed: info.encoded_bytes == 0 (160 vs. 0)

# Encoder delivered data too early.dyld4 config: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/system/introspection DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib:/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDDISupport.framework/libViewDebuggerSupport.dylib

Muhammad Usman Bashir

Jul 29, 2022, 8:05:29 AM7/29/22
to discuss-webrtc
I have a few questions to ask;

1. What are the values of Sample Rate and Number of channels?
2. Is it simple P2P communication?
3. According to your question, you are getting this randomly. Can you reproduce the scenarios?
4. Are you using the Default Google WebRtc framework? If not, on which branch of WebRtc you are working right now?


Alec Henderson

Jul 29, 2022, 9:27:15 AM7/29/22
to discuss-webrtc
Hey thanks for the reply

1. What are the values of Sample Rate and Number of channels? I have attached statistics for a good and bad call below.
2. Is it simple P2P communication? Yeah simple P2P, we are using the Janus sip plugin so the peer is always Janus.
3. According to your question, you are getting this randomly. Can you reproduce the scenarios? It seems to happen mostly when having a call transferred when the client that crashes is the transferee.
4. Are you using the Default Google WebRtc framework? If not, on which branch of WebRtc you are working right now? Yeah , currently using this package 

Bad call stats:

["RTCCodec_0_Outbound_110": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_110, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 48000;

    mimeType = "audio/telephone-event";

    payloadType = 110;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_101": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_101, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/telephone-event";

    payloadType = 101;

}, "RTCPeerConnection": id = RTCPeerConnection, type = peer-connection, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    dataChannelsClosed = 0;

    dataChannelsOpened = 0;

}, "RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_2": id = RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_2, type = track, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    detached = 0;

    ended = 0;

    kind = audio;

    mediaSourceId = "RTCAudioSource_2";

    remoteSource = 0;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCCertificate_9D:07:24:9C:01:DA:69:4A:EC:0D:81:FC:8B:7C:0B:D0:87:5C:4D:1F": id = RTCCertificate_9D:07:24:9C:01:DA:69:4A:EC:0D:81:FC:8B:7C:0B:D0:87:5C:4D:1F, type = certificate, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {


    fingerprint = "9D:07:24:9C:01:DA:69:4A:EC:0D:81:FC:8B:7C:0B:D0:87:5C:4D:1F";

    fingerprintAlgorithm = "sha-1";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_9": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_9, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/G722";

    payloadType = 9;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_13": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_13, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/CN";

    payloadType = 13;

}, "RTCIceCandidate_OJRM7GcF": id = RTCIceCandidate_OJRM7GcF, type = remote-candidate, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    candidateType = host;

    deleted = 0;

    ip = "";

    isRemote = 1;

    port = 46162;

    priority = 2015363327;

    protocol = udp;

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_101": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_101, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/telephone-event";

    payloadType = 101;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_13": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_13, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/CN";

    payloadType = 13;

}, "RTCIceCandidate_djVyCElv": id = RTCIceCandidate_djVyCElv, type = local-candidate, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    candidateType = srflx;

    deleted = 0;

    ip = "";

    isRemote = 0;

    networkType = wifi;

    port = 63268;

    priority = 1686052607;

    protocol = udp;

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_111": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_111, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 2;

    clockRate = 48000;

    mimeType = "audio/opus";

    payloadType = 111;

    sdpFmtpLine = "minptime=10;useinbandfec=1";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_8": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_8, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/PCMA";

    payloadType = 8;

}, "RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_3": id = RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_3, type = track, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    detached = 0;

    ended = 0;

    kind = audio;

    mediaSourceId = "RTCAudioSource_3";

    remoteSource = 0;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_110": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_110, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 48000;

    mimeType = "audio/telephone-event";

    payloadType = 110;

}, "RTCAudioSource_3": id = RTCAudioSource_3, type = media-source, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    kind = audio;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCTransport_0_1": id = RTCTransport_0_1, type = transport, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    bytesReceived = 87312;

    bytesSent = 92279;

    dtlsCipher = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256";

    dtlsState = connected;

    localCertificateId = "RTCCertificate_DA:1E:BC:8B:25:B2:E1:BF:24:19:D7:FC:15:B3:17:5C:E3:B0:1D:49:BA:B8:98:2B:56:A2:39:5E:D5:84:59:FA";

    packetsReceived = 657;

    packetsSent = 624;

    remoteCertificateId = "RTCCertificate_9D:07:24:9C:01:DA:69:4A:EC:0D:81:FC:8B:7C:0B:D0:87:5C:4D:1F";

    selectedCandidatePairChanges = 1;

    selectedCandidatePairId = "RTCIceCandidatePair_djVyCElv_OJRM7GcF";

    srtpCipher = "AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80";

    tlsVersion = FEFD;

}, "RTCMediaStreamTrack_receiver_1": id = RTCMediaStreamTrack_receiver_1, type = track, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    audioLevel = "0.1976683858760338";

    concealedSamples = 53292;

    concealmentEvents = 5;

    delayedPacketOutageSamples = 2719;

    detached = 0;

    ended = 0;

    insertedSamplesForDeceleration = 1669;

    interruptionCount = 1;

    jitterBufferDelay = "72057.60000000001";

    jitterBufferEmittedCount = 372480;

    jitterBufferFlushes = 0;

    jitterBufferTargetDelay = "52806.4";

    kind = audio;

    relativePacketArrivalDelay = "16.23";

    remoteSource = 1;

    removedSamplesForAcceleration = 13848;

    silentConcealedSamples = 25661;

    totalAudioEnergy = "0.1878042075305623";

    totalInterruptionDuration = "1.053";

    totalSamplesDuration = "13.40999999999976";

    totalSamplesReceived = 412320;

    trackIdentifier = "5f35fb11-a1b4-4e5d-bba8-8dee011500da";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_0": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_0, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/PCMU";

    payloadType = 0;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_9": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_9, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/G722";

    payloadType = 9;

}, "RTCIceCandidate_nbRWtcQr": id = RTCIceCandidate_nbRWtcQr, type = local-candidate, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    candidateType = host;

    deleted = 0;

    ip = "";

    isRemote = 0;

    networkType = wifi;

    port = 64525;

    priority = 2122194687;

    protocol = udp;

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCIceCandidatePair_djVyCElv_OJRM7GcF": id = RTCIceCandidatePair_djVyCElv_OJRM7GcF, type = candidate-pair, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    availableOutgoingBitrate = 300000;

    bytesReceived = 87312;

    bytesSent = 92279;

    consentRequestsSent = 8;

    currentRoundTripTime = "0.015";

    localCandidateId = "RTCIceCandidate_djVyCElv";

    nominated = 1;

    priority = 7241540810431267326;

    remoteCandidateId = "RTCIceCandidate_OJRM7GcF";

    requestsReceived = 1;

    requestsSent = 1;

    responsesReceived = 9;

    responsesSent = 1;

    state = succeeded;

    totalRoundTripTime = "0.505";

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

    writable = 1;

}, "RTCMediaStream_stream": id = RTCMediaStream_stream, type = stream, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    streamIdentifier = stream;

    trackIds =     (





}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_0": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_0, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/PCMU";

    payloadType = 0;

}, "RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_1": id = RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_1, type = track, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    detached = 0;

    ended = 0;

    kind = audio;

    mediaSourceId = "RTCAudioSource_1";

    remoteSource = 0;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCCertificate_DA:1E:BC:8B:25:B2:E1:BF:24:19:D7:FC:15:B3:17:5C:E3:B0:1D:49:BA:B8:98:2B:56:A2:39:5E:D5:84:59:FA": id = RTCCertificate_DA:1E:BC:8B:25:B2:E1:BF:24:19:D7:FC:15:B3:17:5C:E3:B0:1D:49:BA:B8:98:2B:56:A2:39:5E:D5:84:59:FA, type = certificate, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    base64Certificate = "MIIBFjCBvaADAgECAgkAjNDnycXZqQwwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIwETEPMA0GA1UEAwwGV2ViUlRDMB4XDTIyMDcyODEzMjAxOVoXDTIyMDgyODEzMjAxOVowETEPMA0GA1UEAwwGV2ViUlRDMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEg7qaiP4m7uoPm/Ibu8tdfAZv7Ndm3fba5ktAio03XoSwq4cVsrbx17hn+ZIBWuubgwANb3Nc4PDNnzcM1oLmlDAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNIADBFAiBjc61DcY7r5/uFT089j/oNb9K2kHNmRsGWoA71bEhuNwIhAOXJ8Iw57UhulcsLdBtrip/2Az0+FQBkBI7ajiJdqxmz";

    fingerprint = "DA:1E:BC:8B:25:B2:E1:BF:24:19:D7:FC:15:B3:17:5C:E3:B0:1D:49:BA:B8:98:2B:56:A2:39:5E:D5:84:59:FA";

    fingerprintAlgorithm = "sha-256";

}, "RTCMediaStream_janus": id = RTCMediaStream_janus, type = stream, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    streamIdentifier = janus;

    trackIds =     (



}, "RTCOutboundRTPAudioStream_3623588830": id = RTCOutboundRTPAudioStream_3623588830, type = outbound-rtp, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    bytesSent = 77235;

    codecId = "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_9";

    headerBytesSent = 7416;

    isRemote = 0;

    kind = audio;

    mediaSourceId = "RTCAudioSource_1";

    mediaType = audio;

    packetsSent = 618;

    retransmittedBytesSent = 0;

    retransmittedPacketsSent = 0;

    ssrc = 3623588830;

    trackId = "RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_1";

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCAudioSource_1": id = RTCAudioSource_1, type = media-source, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    audioLevel = "0.003723258156071657";

    kind = audio;

    totalAudioEnergy = "0.009049763033371783";

    totalSamplesDuration = "12.36999999999978";

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCInboundRTPAudioStream_412839025": id = RTCInboundRTPAudioStream_412839025, type = inbound-rtp, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    audioLevel = 6477;

    bytesReceived = 71248;

    codecId = "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_9";

    concealedSamples = 53292;

    concealmentEvents = 5;

    fecPacketsDiscarded = 0;

    fecPacketsReceived = 0;

    headerBytesReceived = 7580;

    insertedSamplesForDeceleration = 1669;

    isRemote = 0;

    jitter = "0.029";

    jitterBufferDelay = "72057.60000000001";

    jitterBufferEmittedCount = 372480;

    kind = audio;

    lastPacketReceivedTimestamp = "34320.97";

    mediaType = audio;

    packetsLost = 0;

    packetsReceived = 627;

    removedSamplesForAcceleration = 13848;

    silentConcealedSamples = 25661;

    ssrc = 412839025;

    totalAudioEnergy = "0.1878042075305623";

    totalSamplesDuration = "13.40999999999976";

    totalSamplesReceived = 412320;

    trackId = "RTCMediaStreamTrack_receiver_1";

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_8": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_8, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/PCMA";

    payloadType = 8;

}, "RTCIceCandidatePair_nbRWtcQr_OJRM7GcF": id = RTCIceCandidatePair_nbRWtcQr_OJRM7GcF, type = candidate-pair, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    bytesReceived = 0;

    bytesSent = 0;

    consentRequestsSent = 0;

    localCandidateId = "RTCIceCandidate_nbRWtcQr";

    nominated = 0;

    priority = 8655919583267143167;

    remoteCandidateId = "RTCIceCandidate_OJRM7GcF";

    requestsReceived = 0;

    requestsSent = 25;

    responsesReceived = 0;

    responsesSent = 0;

    state = "in-progress";

    totalRoundTripTime = 0;

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

    writable = 0;

}, "RTCAudioSource_2": id = RTCAudioSource_2, type = media-source, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    kind = audio;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_111": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_111, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100836813426, values = {

    channels = 2;

    clockRate = 48000;

    mimeType = "audio/opus";

    payloadType = 111;

    sdpFmtpLine = "minptime=10;useinbandfec=1";


Good call stats: 

["RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_4": id = RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_4, type = track, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    detached = 0;

    ended = 0;

    kind = audio;

    mediaSourceId = "RTCAudioSource_4";

    remoteSource = 0;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCInboundRTPAudioStream_3983151229": id = RTCInboundRTPAudioStream_3983151229, type = inbound-rtp, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    audioLevel = 4602;

    bytesReceived = 44465;

    codecId = "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_9";

    concealedSamples = 52609;

    concealmentEvents = 8;

    fecPacketsDiscarded = 0;

    fecPacketsReceived = 0;

    headerBytesReceived = 6884;

    insertedSamplesForDeceleration = 5970;

    isRemote = 0;

    jitter = "0.015";

    jitterBufferDelay = "94355.2";

    jitterBufferEmittedCount = 462400;

    kind = audio;

    lastPacketReceivedTimestamp = "34166.923";

    mediaType = audio;

    packetsLost = 0;

    packetsReceived = 571;

    removedSamplesForAcceleration = 9533;

    silentConcealedSamples = 37082;

    ssrc = 3983151229;

    totalAudioEnergy = "0.0939725318456759";

    totalSamplesDuration = "12.65999999999977";

    totalSamplesReceived = 511040;

    trackId = "RTCMediaStreamTrack_receiver_2";

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCOutboundRTPAudioStream_1410399712": id = RTCOutboundRTPAudioStream_1410399712, type = outbound-rtp, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    bytesSent = 52079;

    codecId = "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_9";

    headerBytesSent = 6912;

    isRemote = 0;

    kind = audio;

    mediaSourceId = "RTCAudioSource_2";

    mediaType = audio;

    packetsSent = 576;

    retransmittedBytesSent = 0;

    retransmittedPacketsSent = 0;

    ssrc = 1410399712;

    trackId = "RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_2";

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCAudioSource_3": id = RTCAudioSource_3, type = media-source, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    kind = audio;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_9": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_9, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/G722";

    payloadType = 9;

}, "RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_3": id = RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_3, type = track, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    detached = 0;

    ended = 0;

    kind = audio;

    mediaSourceId = "RTCAudioSource_3";

    remoteSource = 0;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_101": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_101, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/telephone-event";

    payloadType = 101;

}, "RTCPeerConnection": id = RTCPeerConnection, type = peer-connection, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    dataChannelsClosed = 0;

    dataChannelsOpened = 0;

}, "RTCIceCandidatePair_KyyUtFcT_q0EH2Boa": id = RTCIceCandidatePair_KyyUtFcT_q0EH2Boa, type = candidate-pair, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    bytesReceived = 0;

    bytesSent = 0;

    consentRequestsSent = 0;

    localCandidateId = "RTCIceCandidate_KyyUtFcT";

    nominated = 0;

    priority = 8655919583267143167;

    remoteCandidateId = "RTCIceCandidate_q0EH2Boa";

    requestsReceived = 0;

    requestsSent = 22;

    responsesReceived = 0;

    responsesSent = 0;

    state = "in-progress";

    totalRoundTripTime = 0;

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

    writable = 0;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_110": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_110, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 48000;

    mimeType = "audio/telephone-event";

    payloadType = 110;

}, "RTCCertificate_9D:07:24:9C:01:DA:69:4A:EC:0D:81:FC:8B:7C:0B:D0:87:5C:4D:1F": id = RTCCertificate_9D:07:24:9C:01:DA:69:4A:EC:0D:81:FC:8B:7C:0B:D0:87:5C:4D:1F, type = certificate, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {


    fingerprint = "9D:07:24:9C:01:DA:69:4A:EC:0D:81:FC:8B:7C:0B:D0:87:5C:4D:1F";

    fingerprintAlgorithm = "sha-1";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_8": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_8, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/PCMA";

    payloadType = 8;

}, "RTCAudioSource_2": id = RTCAudioSource_2, type = media-source, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    audioLevel = "0.006103701895199438";

    kind = audio;

    totalAudioEnergy = "0.005435715037942895";

    totalSamplesDuration = "11.5299999999998";

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_13": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_13, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/CN";

    payloadType = 13;

}, "RTCCertificate_31:84:A5:12:9F:A3:6F:3A:62:46:2E:03:82:5E:83:DE:0F:BE:BA:0D:65:05:0B:8B:C3:13:BA:DB:79:04:69:2B": id = RTCCertificate_31:84:A5:12:9F:A3:6F:3A:62:46:2E:03:82:5E:83:DE:0F:BE:BA:0D:65:05:0B:8B:C3:13:BA:DB:79:04:69:2B, type = certificate, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    base64Certificate = "MIIBFTCBvaADAgECAgkA8p8GoPhm4egwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIwETEPMA0GA1UEAwwGV2ViUlRDMB4XDTIyMDcyODEzMTc0NVoXDTIyMDgyODEzMTc0NVowETEPMA0GA1UEAwwGV2ViUlRDMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEdWxuQ7x6exO/QfTkH4V9r0TA+rYZ/29AfanarXj7Knyv5RmC6t8jfWQy/VfbXV8gpMJWXsyEQJLZxabwrFE0VjAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNHADBEAiAzQkNrH+w+GPamW5jV2Vehi/leyXoF0iqBucodDTIE1AIgWKc6B6T5hecdh1VYMTPROgH8CmyCJnghi0dKBdNCcho=";

    fingerprint = "31:84:A5:12:9F:A3:6F:3A:62:46:2E:03:82:5E:83:DE:0F:BE:BA:0D:65:05:0B:8B:C3:13:BA:DB:79:04:69:2B";

    fingerprintAlgorithm = "sha-256";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_111": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_111, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 2;

    clockRate = 48000;

    mimeType = "audio/opus";

    payloadType = 111;

    sdpFmtpLine = "minptime=10;useinbandfec=1";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_111": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_111, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 2;

    clockRate = 48000;

    mimeType = "audio/opus";

    payloadType = 111;

    sdpFmtpLine = "minptime=10;useinbandfec=1";

}, "RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_2": id = RTCMediaStreamTrack_sender_2, type = track, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    detached = 0;

    ended = 0;

    kind = audio;

    mediaSourceId = "RTCAudioSource_2";

    remoteSource = 0;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_110": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_110, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 48000;

    mimeType = "audio/telephone-event";

    payloadType = 110;

}, "RTCTransport_0_1": id = RTCTransport_0_1, type = transport, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    bytesReceived = 59170;

    bytesSent = 66313;

    dtlsCipher = "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256";

    dtlsState = connected;

    localCertificateId = "RTCCertificate_31:84:A5:12:9F:A3:6F:3A:62:46:2E:03:82:5E:83:DE:0F:BE:BA:0D:65:05:0B:8B:C3:13:BA:DB:79:04:69:2B";

    packetsReceived = 599;

    packetsSent = 584;

    remoteCertificateId = "RTCCertificate_9D:07:24:9C:01:DA:69:4A:EC:0D:81:FC:8B:7C:0B:D0:87:5C:4D:1F";

    selectedCandidatePairChanges = 1;

    selectedCandidatePairId = "RTCIceCandidatePair_5DzAsbya_q0EH2Boa";

    srtpCipher = "AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80";

    tlsVersion = FEFD;

}, "RTCAudioSource_4": id = RTCAudioSource_4, type = media-source, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    kind = audio;

    trackIdentifier = collabaudio;

}, "RTCMediaStreamTrack_receiver_2": id = RTCMediaStreamTrack_receiver_2, type = track, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    audioLevel = "0.1404461806085391";

    concealedSamples = 52609;

    concealmentEvents = 8;

    delayedPacketOutageSamples = 3489;

    detached = 0;

    ended = 0;

    insertedSamplesForDeceleration = 5970;

    interruptionCount = 1;

    jitterBufferDelay = "94355.2";

    jitterBufferEmittedCount = 462400;

    jitterBufferFlushes = 0;

    jitterBufferTargetDelay = "88371.2";

    kind = audio;

    relativePacketArrivalDelay = "20.55";

    remoteSource = 1;

    removedSamplesForAcceleration = 9533;

    silentConcealedSamples = 37082;

    totalAudioEnergy = "0.0939725318456759";

    totalInterruptionDuration = "0.862";

    totalSamplesDuration = "12.65999999999977";

    totalSamplesReceived = 511040;

    trackIdentifier = "f0631fc7-4a12-421a-9058-b1e6bda1e3de";

}, "RTCIceCandidate_q0EH2Boa": id = RTCIceCandidate_q0EH2Boa, type = remote-candidate, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    candidateType = host;

    deleted = 0;

    ip = "";

    isRemote = 1;

    port = 55605;

    priority = 2015363327;

    protocol = udp;

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCMediaStream_stream": id = RTCMediaStream_stream, type = stream, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    streamIdentifier = stream;

    trackIds =     (





}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_9": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_9, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/G722";

    payloadType = 9;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_8": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_8, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/PCMA";

    payloadType = 8;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_101": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_101, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/telephone-event";

    payloadType = 101;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_0": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_0, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/PCMU";

    payloadType = 0;

}, "RTCCodec_0_Inbound_0": id = RTCCodec_0_Inbound_0, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/PCMU";

    payloadType = 0;

}, "RTCIceCandidatePair_5DzAsbya_q0EH2Boa": id = RTCIceCandidatePair_5DzAsbya_q0EH2Boa, type = candidate-pair, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    availableOutgoingBitrate = 300000;

    bytesReceived = 59170;

    bytesSent = 66313;

    consentRequestsSent = 8;

    currentRoundTripTime = "0.022";

    localCandidateId = "RTCIceCandidate_5DzAsbya";

    nominated = 1;

    priority = 7241540810431267326;

    remoteCandidateId = "RTCIceCandidate_q0EH2Boa";

    requestsReceived = 1;

    requestsSent = 1;

    responsesReceived = 9;

    responsesSent = 1;

    state = succeeded;

    totalRoundTripTime = "0.663";

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

    writable = 1;

}, "RTCIceCandidate_5DzAsbya": id = RTCIceCandidate_5DzAsbya, type = local-candidate, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    candidateType = srflx;

    deleted = 0;

    ip = "";

    isRemote = 0;

    networkType = wifi;

    port = 52063;

    priority = 1686052607;

    protocol = udp;

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCCodec_0_Outbound_13": id = RTCCodec_0_Outbound_13, type = codec, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    channels = 1;

    clockRate = 8000;

    mimeType = "audio/CN";

    payloadType = 13;

}, "RTCIceCandidate_KyyUtFcT": id = RTCIceCandidate_KyyUtFcT, type = local-candidate, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    candidateType = host;

    deleted = 0;

    ip = "";

    isRemote = 0;

    networkType = wifi;

    port = 51501;

    priority = 2122194687;

    protocol = udp;

    transportId = "RTCTransport_0_1";

}, "RTCMediaStream_janus": id = RTCMediaStream_janus, type = stream, timestamp = 1659100682769053, values = {

    streamIdentifier = janus;

    trackIds =     (




Jon Arne Grødal

Jun 27, 2024, 6:16:02 AMJun 27
to discuss-webrtc
FYI: A fix for the, line 284 crash has now been submitted:

Might be related?

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