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WebRTC issue in iOS while publishing the different channel.

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jayprakash kumar

May 1, 2024, 3:10:50 AM5/1/24
Hi All,

I have build the webRTC objective-c library and create a wrapper on top of this using swift.
Now everything's working as excepted if i integrate the webRTC library and my swift plugin to swift based app, all works well .

But same i am doing in objective-c app, i am able to publish my local stream , offer answer, setLocalDescription, setRemoteDescription all well, but when same time i am publishing different media like for canvas or screen share i am getting error on  setLocalDescription, invalid SDP or SDP is nil.

also getting error as 

Best Regards,
Jay Kumar
Engineering Manager (Mobility)
Mobile Number - +91,7461857919
Skype id- jayprakash_gtl

jayprakash kumar

May 1, 2024, 3:13:23 AM5/1/24
Also getting error as 

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WebRTC {0x009bd2be}: invalid Objective-C method 0x002e (DW_TAG_subprogram), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message

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WebRTC {0x009bd2ff}: invalid Objective-C method 0x002e (DW_TAG_subprogram), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message

check the attached screenshot.

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 12.41.41 PM.png

any lead please.

Best Regards,
Jay Kumar
Engineering Manager (Mobility)
Mobile Number - +91,7461857919
Skype id- jayprakash_gtl

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